Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun pl] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Plus the fact that one of my friends thought it was a really funny idea if she stuck half a in one of my drinks and I almost died so that 's beside the point .
2 One of my friends thought she was pregnant and she told my mum before her own mum .
3 One or two of my friends made it their business to send me the cutting from the Paternoster Review .
4 Last summer one of my friends lent me a C.B. and an old aerial as he had bought a new set and some more of my friends had C.B.s .
5 We left the bar together ; one of my friends saw us leave and winked at us .
6 Do you know one or two of my friends castigated me two years ago for taking food to somebody who was sleeping in the gardens .
7 One of my friends said he was a romantic boy who thought he bore a charmed life , but I argued that this was a superficial judgment .
8 And oddly enough one of my friends asked me only yesterday when he said what 's on your programme for next week , he said how on earth do you keep up to date ?
9 Many of my friends followed me to Paris or they disappeared or they died .
10 Neither of my parents wore them .
11 Neither of my parents wore them .
12 ‘ I realised I had to stop putting it in though , ’ Kaye admits , ‘ when a friend of one of my sons told me the house looked more and more like a church every time he came round . ’
13 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you may be amused to hear that one of my sons spotted you the other day training with Korchnoi and the Brighton and Hove Albion football team .
14 ‘ If I say one of my contacts tipped me off , I expect you 'll pester me for his name . ’
15 ‘ All right , then : one of my contacts tipped me off . ’
16 At I prepared to return to Britain , several of my relatives gave me copies of their identity cards , the deed for their houses and even the ownership documents for their property .
17 The social pressures of my peers precipitated me into a frenzied bout of heterosexuality , usually accompanied by drunkenness .
18 However , one still hears all sorts of rumours to the effect that it is possible for others to obtain information , yet one or two of my constituents found it difficult to obtain information about the identity of a car owner involved in an accident .
19 Funnily enough , it was one of my nephews brought him the message — Josh 's eldest boy , Jimmy .
20 Then I said , or perhaps one of my voices said it for me , " I do n't know .
21 One of my gentlemen taught it to me .
22 It 's the other kind of thinking I 've never been able to muster , the long-term stuff , ‘ Never confuse strategy with tactics , ’ one of my tutors advised me , but I ca n't even remember what the words mean .
23 ‘ One of my pictures showed him hugging both little girls in the pool .
24 It was as if the energy of their tears revived him .
25 After seeing his 1853 bill side-tracked by a Royal Commission , Lord St Leonards was moving the second reading of another debtor and creditor bill in the House of Lords in 1859 , but once again many of their lordships found it all too complicated , and wanted it examined by a select committee .
26 An altercation took place at the entrance to the circuit when the irascible John McDonald sought to block the bus with his car — the idea of drivers striking and being independent of their owners struck him as positively mediaeval — but was resolved by a little gentle persuasion and a show of force by an angry Jacques Laffite .
27 The sheer beauty of their surroundings helped her to distance herself from the unsettling vibrations between them .
28 After a long descent the shaft widened a little , and the light of their torches showed them the interior of the mine , the southern end of the tunnellings .
29 Facially the two men were very different , Kustow 's face blunt , Lever 's hawkish , but the similarity of dress and the starkness of their haircuts made them seem like brothers , or members of some strange cult .
30 Their war cry was the sound of angry seagulls , and we seemed to breathe in death ; the look of their faces turned us cold with despair .
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