Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun sg] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The very considerations which make many so anxious to establish that value judgements are objective , a sense of the urgent social need of common rules , disquiet at the anarchic consequences of everyone doing as he likes , have had the effect of raising irrelevant doubts about that objectivity .
2 Five of them feature as their main character Inspector Alan Grant , a gentleman police officer in the style often favoured by women writers , ‘ not coarse like a bobby ’ and with independent means ‘ to smooth and embroider life ’ .
3 Using up as much of my inheritance as you can .
4 He understood a little of my behaviour as he was a photographer , who also provided me with many useful photographs .
5 I left the stage in the middle of my song as I could n't hear a thing .
6 I felt the miserable decline of my happiness as I imagined the girl 's innocence and the futility of her mother 's efforts to save her from a cruel death .
7 I was engrossed in these thoughts and just about to drip it on the top of my head as I had seen Sally do when , from nowhere , a hand knocked me to the floor , spilling the contents of the bottle .
8 So even if in ten years , twenty years time , I put a claim , the money I get then , will be the same seventy odd per cent of my salary as it would be today .
9 For years visualization has been an everyday part of my life as it is an everyday pad of every writer 's day .
10 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
11 After the normal speculation that surrounds these events I was put out of my misery as she weighed in at 32lb 4oz — to say I was ecstatic would have been an understatement .
12 An information board allowed me to keep everyone up-to-date on my progress , stimulate interest and heighten awareness of my role as it developed .
13 ‘ Not very often ; my ukulele takes up most of my time as you know . ’
14 But I was dreading the French paper to which I had only given the dregs of my time as I had had so much else on my plate .
15 See how I turn up the corners of my mouth as I tell you again , twenty-five dollars . ’
16 There is also one present very dear to the hearts of my family as we are terrible ‘ glove-losers ’ and can never find a pair to keep our hands warm .
17 I lay very still , the hair rising on the back of my neck as something nudged me through the canvas .
18 I could feel the hairs rise at the back of my neck as I said , ‘ You 've seen her ? ’
19 Harry 's breath felt like the blast from a sauna door against the back of my neck as he cropped pungent cedar shoots along the way .
20 I 'm not ashamed of my body as I used to be .
21 ( Palmer 1986 , Radway 1984 ) But at the same time , such research raises many questions ; not least , how to make sense of the accounts readers give of their activity as they read .
22 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
23 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
24 CONTRACT caterers are sick and tired of the industry-wide view of their sector as nothing but company canteens peopled by ‘ Doris-the-dinner-lady ’ .
25 Shortly after his arrival he got together a conference of Anglo-Burmans , who agreed that when they returned to Burma they would ally themselves more closely with the people of the country rather than as exclusively with the British side of their heritage as they had tended to do in pre-war days .
26 The room was rippling with the sounds of their scuffle as they fought in bitter silence , knocking into wooden furniture , she trying to get away , he trying to get her to the bed until they fell against a nightstand and it crashed to the floor .
27 When Dermo says ‘ Let's get foonky woonky ’ in his Mancunian draw , it 's as far from a fitting description of their music as one could imagine .
28 When Dermo says ‘ Let's get foonky woonky ’ in his Mancunian draw , it 's as far from a fitting description of their music as one could imagine .
29 It is a long way from the post-punk Big Black noise of old that first did the rounds of Ireland , which they confirm themselves the following day when , nursing Alps-sized hangovers , the threesome spill out stories of their past as we head through New York to the photo-shoot in the Bronx .
30 The extent of their happiness as they read and wrote , and walked the Dorset lanes , was in proportion to the unsettled times they had often known until then .
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