Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Should you not wish to keep any of the papers that you 've got there you can put them very carefully in the box .
2 Yeah well I thought they said in one of the papers that he 'd never been registered anywhere .
3 Walesa said after the failure of the talks that he would consider forming a non-party government with greater presidential powers along the lines of the French system .
4 aspects of an individual which we designate as making him an author are only a projection , in more or less psychologising terms , of the operations that we force texts to undergo , the connections that we make , the traits that we establish as pertinent , the continuities that we recognise , or the exclusions that we practice .
5 And it was true , I did and er , and I did reasonably well at most of the games that I play but er I played cricket for St John 's and I played when I was in the army at this last time and er , and erm , you , you know it 's I , I think if you make up your mind and you 're fit enough .
6 ‘ We will be trying to cover as much of the Games as we can and athletics is one of the most popular , ’ said an official .
7 Greet the wise one , and talk to them of the fears that you wish to overcome .
8 In ancient Greek myth Harlequin made his first appearance as Hermes ( or Mercury ) , the messenger of the gods and himself the god of all animals and travellers .
9 Few books can have captured so powerfully and quickly the imagination and appealed to the religious yearnings of a gullible public than Chariots of the Gods and its successors .
10 It is almost certainly from a Roman source — an autobiographical letter by Scipio Nasica — that Plutarch derived his picture of Aemilius Paulus , the father of Scipio Aemilianus , receiving King Perseus as a prisoner : " Aemilius saw in him a great man whose fall was due to the resentment of the gods and his own evil fortune , and rose up and came to meet him , accompanies by his friends and with tears in his eyes " ( Aem .
11 Because of the scarcity of ministers , young conforming curates were appointed to many of the kirks but they were disliked , ignored and often abused by the congregations .
12 With regard to bids to become technology schools , my hon. Friend will be heartened by the quality of the bids that we have received from individual schools , including some exceptionally good schools in Labour-controlled areas .
13 This is one of the projects that we 've inherited , incidentally run by another member of Sussex University , Dr. Dick West , which is recommending , and it 's getting a lot of strong support for this , that all children should have a balanced science education , including the physical sciences , up to the age of sixteen , and so that erm issue of choice will just not arise .
14 Our own experience from several of the projects that we 've been looking at which are in-service type projects , is that when we do train teachers and when we do put an investment in it , we see the pay-off in the schools that physical science does get done in schools , it is fun and it is exciting .
15 Our own experience from several of the projects that we 've been looking at which are in-service type projects , is that when we do train teachers and when we do put an investment in it , we see the pay-off in the schools that physical science does get done in schools , it is fun and it is exciting .
16 But My Lords the idea that independent people is news nonsense for the last thirty years so we 've had independent people on the police authorities by the of the magistrates and there 's nothing new in that .
17 Alright , so that 's a brief out overview if you like of some of the errors that we can do .
18 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
19 But , let's face it , most of the twelve-year-olds that I teach seem to know nothing about mathematics — and care even less ! ’
20 If you knew the full sum of the doings before she died , you would see that this is the result my godmother intended . ’
21 He wandered about this neck of the woods and he was quite harmless , he was fond of children .
22 Within it were the strong echoes of the disgust with politics that McCarthyism had induced , and the early excitement of the Beats and their progeny in Greenwich Village .
23 They have managed to sell some of the statues though I ca n't think who 'd want to buy them .
24 It would be easier to work out the story of the Jingoes if we knew what the beginning was .
25 We now understand many of the problems but there is still a great deal which is not properly understood .
26 Britain 's Department of Trade and Industry notified European developers nearly 18 months ago of the problems that their system might cause for people who wear hearing aids .
27 So many of the problems that we have to solve just have nothing at all to do with real life .
28 Erm one of the problems that we 've been facing in the past , certainly , in G P House is the amount of stuff that 's on the floor and therefore we have n't actually been able to tackle these things very effectively .
29 But most of the problems that we get are not caused by deliberate cheating , they 're caused by genuine mistakes .
30 Erm , so I 'll agree with Mr Grigson that we do suggest there are more households changing their own dwellings , but it 's simply because we 're trying to iron out of the problems that we feel have occurred within the major estimates .
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