Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [pron] would " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps he would n't , she amended , since the exhibition of the jacket itself would be enough to send Tollemarche into an uproar of complaints .
2 The possibility of an encounter with their descendants , and the inevitability of the conflict which would follow , was the recurring nightmare which disturbed sleep at the highest levels of the Imperium .
3 The last council yes and why not and this council and we have n't heard the end of it yet , well I 'll be coming to that bit do n't rush , do n't rush me We did ask the Secretary of State not to impose V A T on fuel and light because of the hardship it would impose on the people and in particular elderly pensioners , sick and invalids .
4 He went into hospital the day before and was only told on the day of the operation it would not go ahead .
5 Brent London Borough Council , by which the social worker was employed and which was a party to the proceedings , took the initiative in seeking M. 's committal for contempt of court , but if it had not done so some other initiative by or on behalf of the court itself would have been necessary .
6 The liberal vote there almost collapsed to nothing erm while the liberals obviously voted labour tactically in order to prevent the Conservatives from A grabbing the ward , and B erm removing the leader of the council which would have been , which is what they were obviously angling for .
7 On behalf of the Council I would like to offer sincere congratulations to and for their recent successes in the Britain in Bloom competition .
8 When he handed them over to the Syrians , the major received a special word of thanks from representatives of the country which would , ten years later , help the Americans to bomb Libya .
9 Each major opera company in this country has an outreach and education programme and the Arts Council 's touring programme supports clients who take opera to areas of the country which would not otherwise have access to it .
10 of the country you would probably hear them called a slasher and a what ?
11 This was an attempt to provide a readable , reasonably objective report of the event which would reflect both sides of the argument ( and with gossip and humour thrown in to lighten the load ) .
12 The prosperity and development of the Park itself would suffer if the food and other factories relocated as they threatened to do .
13 If they used the money that they take from us for the maintenance of the camp we would live like kings .
14 On June 5 Martens announced further details of the reforms which were to include : ( i ) the demilitarization of the gendarmerie which would in future report to the Ministry of Interior rather than to that of Defence ; ( ii ) a 10-year service limit for senior positions throughout the three branches of the security services ( the communal police , investigative police and the paramilitary gendarmerie ) ; and ( iii ) improved co-operation and co-ordination between the security services and town councils .
15 Finally , someone once calculated that if the pillars and spires were stood one on top of the other they would be 5,300 metres high .
16 The Department for National Savings , for example , contains enough papers that if they were piled one on top of the other they would reach the height of nine and a half Mount Everests !
17 To my academic colleagues on both the physical and human sides and the biogeographical middle of the subject I would like to express the hope that my method of expressing salient parameters , in fields as far apart as climatology and social geography , in terms of a common set of units — the Watt and the calorie — has value for the future of our subject .
18 The first thing that strikes me is that my aunt — an almost complete stranger as far as I was concerned — should have been there at all , within the family circle where no friend or neighbour was allowed , and thus in a privileged position to make personal remarks of the type which would not have been tolerated from any other quarter .
19 Lord Reid went on to point out that this case was not of the type which would usually have been described as in restraint of trade ; there was for example no provision which prevented the plaintiff from working once the contract had run its course .
20 Albert Graf , one of the founders , is generally recognized as being the first breeder of the type we would know today .
21 In some cases the particular flower may not press well , but if , for example the stone and flower were sapphire and lily of the valley , you could create a beautiful combination , perhaps with a sapphire-coloured background with a paler blue mount and a silver frame , and then a simple arrangement of lilies of the valley which would stand out very well against the blue backing .
22 Instead of striking the middle of the bung he would concentrate on the seal itself .
23 The guiding assumption was that the school curriculum should differ according to the ability of the child who would follow it .
24 Frankly , if you considered the proposition out of the question you would have politely put him off long ago .
25 The word set is part of the name we would use to describe each picture .
26 If you just put a pipe straight in the end of the liquid it would suck the liquid up .
27 The education of the Master himself would probably have been gained at a grammar school of a similar sort .
28 This is the the front of the broadsheet which would go to the trade .
29 X went on to tell D that the information she was imparting was sensitive and highly confidential and that as a result of the conversation he would be an ‘ insider . ’
30 There has been a wealth of studies on the use of the traditional catalogue , over 50 in as many years , yet in spite of the evidence it would appear that little is really known about the users for whom it was intended .
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