Example sentences of "done [adv] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The only grass that 's well cut is where people cut it themselves outside their own house but , in particular , erm , th I would like to see the supervision of the contract and that we do n't cough up the money unless the job 's done properly because I think we 're paying for a job that 's not being either done at all , or when it is being done it 's not being done well .
2 We 'd never talked about that day , and we never again came near this old air shaft ; I do n't know what he might have done since but I 'd always assumed he was like me and just tried to forget about it , pretend it never happened .
3 For the first time in all my life I had done right because I wanted to do right .
4 As is well known , he wrote in the ‘ Foreword ’ to the second edition : ‘ I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations , and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence . ’
5 I think I could have done better if I had a different attitude , ’ she said .
6 ( I subsequently had ( 27 April ) a site meeting with an EGBT official , who completed a proposal form on the spot — however , the funding aspects are not my main concern here ; suffice it to say , 1 ) that I have always been confident that funding would be secured from one source or another , and 2 ) that my direct approach to SNH was done only because I had indications that their project approvals took months rather than weeks — something I have subsequently been assured is not true ) .
7 Only the pain was getting rather tedious and Meg insisted that I had it done now before I retired , on the theory I suppose , that better in the Government 's time than my own . "
8 There 's a job to be done here and I intend to do it .
9 The situation could easily get worse if something is not done immediately and I suggest moving the travellers away from the centre of town to the outskirts onto a piece of disused land for example until a short-term site has been rented or a permanent site set-up .
10 Er I thought you did well in erm giving yourself credibility by talking about the shares , oh yes you can have two hundred and fifty pounds per month in the shares and they 've done well and I said oh yes they have done well , and I felt good that you were praising me up for being such a clever chap , and so I thought that was all , all jolly good stuff .
11 It 's unheard of for a two-year-old to race against older horses in America , but my horse has done well and I hope more will follow us over .
12 And it certainly can be done well and I beleive with these standards it will be done well .
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