Example sentences of "having been [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having been dismissed from parade , the children race downstairs to where the Rangers ' 22 horses and Ponies are housed in splendour .
2 Indeed , the presence of oxides of nitrogen is indicated by the orange colour of the nuclear mushroom cloud at high altitudes , which is a consequence of some of the nitric oxide having been converted to nitrogen dioxide .
3 Hekmatyar 's and Masud 's forces entered Kabul on April 25 , the latter having been placed in charge of a six-member Kabul City Security Commission , created by the IJC in Peshawar .
4 Pravda , formerly the newspaper of the Soviet Communist Party , announced its intention to increase publication from three to five times weekly from Sept. 1 , having been saved from bankruptcy by establishing a joint venture with a Greek businessman who retained a controlling share .
5 there was no evidence of any physical injury having been sustained before death
6 But the perambulating jury dismissed these proceedings as having been made under duress of Hugh Despenser , then Edward I 's Justice of the Forest .
7 I turn now to consider the arguments advanced on behalf of Woolwich in support of its right to recover the payments it made as money had and received or as having been made under duress , two grounds which it was accepted shaded into one another .
8 Having been replaced as head of ITV 's sports committee by LWT 's controller of programmes , Greg Dyke , he is off to be chairman of TSL , an independent production company .
9 Having been defeated by politics , the NIREX managers decided to employ some of their own .
10 This remarkable pioneer created twelve of these machines , of which eight still survive , the remaining four having been lost in battle or exploded during trial runs .
11 Elsewhere , be sure to see the full-size portrait of the writer ( known as Il Grande , by the Italians ) by de Notaris , completed after Manzoni 's death , the exact dimensions of the man having been collected by post-mortem measuring .
12 The device mentioned earlier that produces ‘ mechanical speech ’ would contain all the words of English , each having been recorded in isolation .
13 Not having been trained in school formalities , there is no reason why they should associate her test questions with the need to make explicit answers , or why they should pretend that the questioner is not there as the ‘ detached ’ answer requires .
14 This having been confirmed in writing , two things occurred : first , the Security Council 's adoption of Resolution 686 , to reinforce the cease-fire ; and , second , the outbreak of the revolts in Iraq reviewed earlier in the chapter .
15 Having been warned off Channel 7 by Pannells , he contacted the Institute only to find that it could not approve the service .
16 Only part of this extensive cloth and flock mill remains , much having been destroyed by fire .
17 A considerable investment has been made in the redevelopment of the Piper field , which achieved first oil in February 1993 , having been delayed by construction schedule slippages and bad weather at the end of 1992 .
18 Almond and Verba found that having been taught about government increases a sense of subjective political competence .
19 Lavier continues to reflect on paradoxes , with such examples as the superimposition of a safe on a refrigerator , both objects having been covered with paint of precisely the same colour as the original .
20 Held , allowing the appeal , that the retraction by a witness in extradition proceedings of evidence previously given in the requesting state did not in itself discredit that evidence and , unless it was worthless , the magistrate was entitled to act upon it in deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal ; that , equally , a witness 's evidence was not to be automatically discredited by virtue of that witness having been an alleged accomplice of the accused ; and that the magistrate had given proper consideration to the retraction of P. 's evidence and to his being an alleged accomplice when deciding if there was sufficient evidence to justify the applicant 's committal ; that , further , since the provision in article 1 of the Treaty allowing for extradition in respect of offences ‘ committed within the territory of the requesting party ’ having been extended by article 3(2) to cover participation in extradition offences punishable by the laws of both states , the lack of evidence of the applicant 's presence in Sweden at the relevant time did not take the offences outside the ambit of the Treaty ; that under Schedule 1 to the Act of 1989 the magistrate was concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to the English crimes specified in the order to proceed and not with the jurisdiction of the Swedish court ; and that , accordingly , the magistrate had been entitled to commit the applicant ( post , pp. 846D–F , 850F — 851A , E — 852C , 853A ) .
21 Nicholson had completed his scenes , having been kicked to death by two marauding red-necks , leaving Captain America and Billy the Kid to continue their journey to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras , their adventures in a brothel and the LSD scene which took a week to shoot because no one could focus on what they were supposed to be doing .
22 Laura 's Beau was third last year but has been in rotten form since then having been plagued by blood trouble .
23 Disillusion set in as awareness spread that the Government had its own agenda , much of the groundwork having been prepared in opposition by a Labour Party study group which shortly before the election had published a report titled Crime — a challenge to us all .
24 Some evidence of having been beaten before death and probably sexually assaulted . ’
25 Right , it 's clear i n't it under four rule twenty eight , four , it 's not essential for the disallowance of any cost or interest that er the taxing officer should be satisfied that erm the other party has been prejudiced , in fact that is not a condition precedent to the exercise of his part and disallow interest in this here item , er any prejudice there maybe is merely one factor to be taken into account in other matters and it does seem to me that the fact the court can , can properly and should properly take into account , is , is that erm , it is desirable that to litigation should erm comply with there obligations , either expressly , express or explicit under the rules of the court to comply with matter such as it should have orders part drawn up and served as appropriate , as I say it seems to me that er the plaintiffs 's can be criticized in not erm having perfected the order of Mr Justice er before they did so but er , I have , it seems to me to look at all the relevant pictures in the case , er if it were the case that the plaintiff suffered any prejudice as the result of that claim , clearly that would be a matter which I would have to take into account , but I 'm bound to say it does n't seem to me that the fender of the plaintiffs to perfect the order did in fact cause any prejudice to the plaintiff and indeed if they , the plaintiffs had perfected the order , it seems to me exactly the same course of events as in fact transpired in this case , would actually have occurred and would n't make any difference at all , so unless it 's a matter of simply of er seeking to punish the plaintiff as a matter of discipline , it seems to me there is a , not really anything in the point that the order was not perfected er when it seems to me it should of been , and I , there stood to see the other er circumstances , now it 's quite clear to me having been referred to correspondence , passing between the solicitors that erm although really from a very early stage er the plaintiffs solicitors referring to Mr a letter of early nineteen ninety one indicating that erm the view was being taken that the likelihood was that erm the plaintiffs would have to get their costs out of the defendants share and interest in the premises and er that would be a matter which could only be dealt with when the enquiries director by Mr Justice had been dealt with .
26 Taken a step further , these results lend strong support to the original interpretation of MARID xenoliths and associated metasomites as having been formed during injection and consolidation of kimberlitic melts .
27 Having been sentenced to death in the mid-Morrissey period for the hanging offence of reinventing laddishness ( see The Farm , Flowered Up ) , they bowl on stage like men released from the Tower .
28 Having been sentenced to death in the mid-Morrissey period for the hanging offence of reinventing laddishness ( see The Farm , Flowered Up ) , they bowl on stage like men released from the Tower .
29 Now some life has returned , those dwellings that did not fall into ruin having been adopted as holiday homes ; even the forsaken chapel has been converted into a residence .
30 In the 1987 general election only 1.4% of the second votes did not count , having been given to minute and therefore eliminated parties .
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