Example sentences of "having [been] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Having been to confession and passed through ‘ the wall of fire ’ , Lewis wrote to Sister Penelope , ‘ the suggestion about an orgy of egoism turns out , like all the Enemy propaganda , to have just a grain of truth in it , but I have no doubt that the proper method of dealing with that is as I intend to do , to continue the practice .
2 but they 're not actually , having been to lunch and
3 She had never been a snob in the unpleasant sense of the word , but she had always set great store by Father 's material success , and later by my having been to Oxford and then on my becoming a doctor .
4 Spenser could consider himself a gentleman only on the basis of having been to university and acquired a Master of Arts degree .
5 In what way will children be better off for having been to school than they would be if they had stayed at home ?
6 Without having been to college or tech or university , an IBMer at Greenock can take an MBA .
7 The railway had come from Belfast in 1842 , the original station having been at Seagoe and some will still recall the old sidings which used to be near the signal-box there .
8 The Captain , having been at work since the call from the hospital at six , had not had time to read the morning paper .
9 Tim would almost certainly deny having been on board and there was already no one to corroborate her story about the disturbance in the lounge .
10 Mr Roberts , having been around lesbians and gay men , was aware of the million-dollar underlying issue : is the Heterosexual Family ‘ natural ’ ?
11 and Thorpe J. No complaint was made by the appellant that Form N79 did not specify the findings of fact , the appellant having been in court and well aware of the position .
12 And er I include myself in that by having been in sales and marketing for all those years I thought I I could do anything .
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