Example sentences of "water [v-ing] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lee 's weeping was silent like water spilling over the edge of a suicide 's bath .
2 I was on my own now , faced with that half-obliterated turn at the V-point of the side gorge where water pouring over the track was eating away at the surface .
3 From her seat she could see the winding road that led up to the elegant gateway of Casa Madrid , and she could even see the sprinklers sending blessed water swirling over the melon and pineapple fields .
4 The force of the water coming over the day and pounding through the debris is what creates the rapid .
5 Water flowing over the ground surface as overland flow cuts channels , and these channels combine to form a stream network .
6 Donna twisted about in the bath , sending water sloshing over the edge and on to the cork-tiled floor .
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