Example sentences of "water [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The drought has its origins in a persistent pattern of atmospheric circulation that has affected the whole of the southern hemisphere , bringing drought also to South Africa and parts of South America , and probably related to the return of El Nino , a surge of warm ocean water off the western seaboard of South America ( see box ) .
2 On another occasion the captain in charge of the British dump had actually lost his way , dropping the drums in shallow water off the French coast by mistake .
3 It undoubtedly owes its early discovery by both scientists and the hobby to its distribution pattern ; it is found all along the main drainage of the Amazon in relatively accessible waters , unlike some of the more recent introductions ( eg A.nijsseni , A.macmasteri ) which have a very restricted range in small bodies of water off the beaten track .
4 There need be no provision for either food or water during the average working day .
5 It was expected that there would be 13 feet of water during the lowest tides .
6 We would have to survive on minimum sustenance and to control the use of food and water during the hot periods of the day , using the cover of darkness for offensive activity .
7 They not only extract larger pieces of debris but enable the pump to draw the water through the various media much more efficiently .
8 A joint venture between Brazil and Paraguay it began transmission late in 1984 and has the capacity to produce 12,600 MW with a flow of water through the 18 turbines which is 150 times that of the River Thames .
9 As Simon did not answer his question Hugh lay watching the sunlight on the water through the open door .
10 In such cases the precipitates can block the interstices between the soil particles , making transfer of microorganisms , nutrients , or water through the contaminated site difficult or impossible .
11 I visited the Lanes on a very cold day and the correct temperature was eventually obtained within the vat by flushing hot water through the double skin of the liner .
12 One girl used to do the housework , one girl used to do all the washing , she needed the water for the hot things .
13 This was built to supply water for the Grand Union Canal as it still does today .
14 As we 've noted , all forms of life on Earth depend on water for the simple reason that life 's very origin on this planet involved water .
15 Hume 's argument , however , does not hold water for the simple reason that it assumes that the question of the possibility of significantly ascribing identity to objects as ontological existents can and should be decided via an analysis of the conditions of their identification , whereas the simple fact is that the concept of an entity as a potential topic of discourse is analytically linked with , and hence inseparable from , that of identity .
16 Behind the mill is a modest sized pond , partially brick lined , supplying water for the surviving iron overshot wheel , of approximately eight feet in diameter , along with its iron penstock .
17 Of all the changes in the last two generations , only the great reservoirs of water for the industrial cities of the North and Midlands have added anything to the scene that one can contemplate without pain .
18 Water for the Eastern mind was a very precious gift of God because it spelt the difference between life and death .
19 The account describes the ‘ hospitals and open stables for the reception of diseased and sick horses in the first stage of their complaints ’ … ‘ more pure stables , which are taken up by horses in physic , or patients whose complaints are not contagious ’ … stocks where ‘ all operations are performed without the trouble or hazard of casting … a perfect skeleton of a horse , to refer to in cases of lameness , fractures , etc … various paddocks , some with and some without water for the better accommodation of horses of different descriptions , whose complaints require open air , or grass , for their perfect recovery ’ .
20 I had hot water for the first time on the island .
21 Looking down , he saw Mould pulling the hook out the water for the second time .
22 Casts between 50 and 100 yards are all it takes when fishing at high water for the best sport and most baits can be used .
23 In a Welsh mining village the boys were told to go and carry water for the old people … and see about firewood for them for the week .
24 In 1948 , the Bucks Water Board took over responsibility for the supply and water for the Urban District was obtained from Foxcote reservoir and the Thames Valley Water Table .
25 Supplies of water for the wet processing of textiles must be very low in suspended solids and not liable to deposit matter on standing .
26 Bottles of boiling water from the kitchen kept us warm at night and provided sterile drinking water for the next day .
27 Definite seasonal variations occur , because of various factors , with the temperature of the water as the main influence , and this sets off a chain ( ecological succession ) of natural events , which can be learned only by experience .
28 A motorised valve to switch hot water between the primary circuit and the heating circuit , as demanded by the other controls .
29 When I wore it for seven hours in wind-driven rain , the jacket only started absorbing water after the fourth hour .
30 The large sail , now unfurled , was billowing in the strong wind as the ship circled across the water towards the far-distant shoreline .
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