Example sentences of "though they [vb mod] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For it is clearly not enough to say that if two things are observed simultaneously in different spatial positions , then they are two , not one , even though they might be completely alike .
2 Gwen looked to be a couple of years older than herself , and , whereas Leo was dark , his sister was a redhead with green eyes , which looked as though they might be very astute , Hilary decided with sinking spirits .
3 It is not only a colour variety but also a more milky strain of the breed and there have been dairy herds of the beloved ‘ Belties ’ , though they would be better described as dual-purpose cattle .
4 Such a definition involves the construction of categories within the general scope of the law and , though they may be widely drawn , is open to the same objection as a definition based upon the perceptions of solicitors .
5 Technology itself may be up-to-date , chip-bound , computer-orientated ; or it may be simple , and concerned with skills of a less modern kind ( though they may be just as difficult to acquire ) .
6 As all sand surfaces possess chance irregularities , even though they may be only of the magnitude of a few sand grains , there is a natural tendency for ripples to form .
7 Their inability to concentrate or order their thoughts means that they generally do not learn much at school , even though they may be quite intelligent .
8 Such differences , though they may be less marked when a child is 14 , may yet be considerable .
9 All four still look as though they 'd be more comfortable in jail than in a rhinestone suit , while their voices remain wonderfully battered instruments — weathered , stoic and yet still full of yearning .
10 The deposits may not be economic to mine now , though they could be either if the world recession lifts and demand grows , or if supplies from elsewhere are cut short .
11 The buyers argued that they were entitled to reject the goods primarily on the basis of breach of the express condition since they were slightly damaged , even though they could be satisfactorily used .
12 There is little to fear from them if they can be closely examined , though they can be rather more deceptive when framed and covered with glass .
13 However , the chemical inertness of the inert gases means that though they can be physically trapped in rocks they can not be chemically combined to form significant quantities of non-volatile materials .
14 His enemies are not the fearsome ape Donkey Kong or King Bowser the dragon — though they can be as deadly .
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