Example sentences of "though [pron] may [vb infin] be " in BNC.

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1 A SEEMS to me as though you may have been overfeeding them with a fertiliser containing quite a lot of nitrogen and perhaps over-watering .
2 Look forward to your future with optimism , even though you may have been feeling held back for some time .
3 It is , however , easy to become anxious about applying the Technique in our day-to-day lives , even though we may have been shown what to do and even though we know that our ordinary sensory perception may be faulty .
4 A team creates a supportive atmosphere where people are happy to go at risk , say what they really think , develop one another 's ideas and commit to an agreed course of action even though there may have been differences of opinion .
5 Though there may have been some hostility between the victuallers and the non-victuallers , this can hardly have been the only factor involved .
6 On every occasion there was a suicide attempt , we would find out that the other had attempted suicide at the identical time , even though they may have been hundreds of miles apart and not seen each other for months .
7 Because the professional services will have been supplied to the landlord , only the landlord may recover as his input tax the VAT on those costs , even though they may have been borne by the tenant : because the expense is not on a supply to the tenant , the tenant can not deduct the VAT as input tax .
8 Later Western mystics remained isolated from the mainstream in their cloisters and , though they may have been regarded as saints , they and their particular religious ideals remained a minority form of Western Christianity .
9 The high incidence of vessels compared with dishes may , as Evison suggests ( ibid. ) , imply that they arrived as containers of oil or wine ; the crude workmanship of some examples may emphasise that the contents were more important than the packaging , even though they may have been viewed as valuable objects in some secondary function .
10 The spectacle of tiny little Vietnamese dressed in boy scout uniforms , even though they may have been ‘ Vanguard Youth ’ , carrying placards bigger than they were which said ‘ Independence or Death ’ was just another element in the enthusiasm which can equally well be described as revolutionary nationalism or national revolution .
11 The ash is a classic example of a tree which holds on to its fruits well into the next season even though they may have been ripe since October .
12 In the case of black speakers , because LE is almost certainly their dominant language , though they may have been exposed to Creole first ; at any rate , the possibility that these occasional " Creolisms " are due to a carry-over from the " mother tongue " remains doubtful and unproven .
13 During the Second World War most Italians were interned as enemy aliens , even though they may have been respected members of the community for 30 or 40 years — and even had relatives serving in the British forces .
14 ‘ I think a part of me probably died when I took your job , though it may have been just the settling-down thing .
15 Useful though it may have been , I never tried that approach ; I did not have the heart , and I was sure that I always had to leave my intended customer a face-saving way out .
16 The bitter lessons of the early years were learnt and digested ; crude though it may have been , Rome 's attitude towards its conquered peoples was far more effective than that of the nineteenth-century imperialists .
17 Even the RP ‘ broad ’ [ a ] ( as in path , dance ) seems to have acquired its high evaluation only recently : Mugglestone ( 1989 ) cites evidence from the nineteenth century to the effect that it was stigmatized as a vulgarism by some commentators : it looks as though it may have been ‘ borrowed ’ from a low-status dialect ( such as ‘ Cockney ’ ) .
18 He broke off , enthralled by this new sample of his own wit , unconscious though it may have been , and everybody applauded .
19 At times it seems as though it may have been evolved to do just that . ’
20 Accordingly the law insists that a former employee can not be prevented from turning to his own account his professional skill and knowledge even though it may have been acquired whilst in employment and at the employer 's expense .
21 Comparison of ‘ To Lucinda ’ with the first publication of ‘ The Rural Maid 's Reflexions ’ shows that Browne , for whatever reason , changed at least one title , though he may have been returning to the original .
22 Donaldson would have had no option but to make arrangements for the delegation , even though he may have been well aware of what the reaction would be .
23 Holy though he may have been , Pius X , abetted by the English-born Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val , waged a vigorous and not always clean campaign against the dangers of modernism .
24 His parents have not been identified , though he may have been related to a family of Purneys in Buckinghamshire .
25 Lorentz at this point would be courteous , Hollander though he may have been . )
26 More than twenty years ago , the archivist Emmison tried to convey to teachers what he felt to be the special qualities of an original document : The original document is in a sense more real than any text book can hope to be ; for the writer , though he may have been misguided , biased or mistaken , at least lived through the events of which he speaks ; and whatever his shortcomings , he was in certain respects better informed about the times and conditions in which he lived than is the interpreter writing two or three hundred years afterwards .
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