Example sentences of "night i [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Actually it is a debate about personal conscience Last night I had one of those phone calls that we 've all been getting erm the guy on the other end apologised for not being one of my constituents erm , I said it probably was n't his fault .
2 And at night I asked one of the young men who was helping us , one who had come with the carters , to help me load the saint on to the wagon , to go to Ramsey to the aid and succour of our misused house .
3 last night I went half past ten cos
4 No envelopes that I had brought were suitable , so that night I made several of them , as I regularly did , strengthening ordinary ones with sticky tape , and making reusable fasteners out of wire from abandoned tyres .
5 Normally I am a good sleeper , but that New Year 's Night I lay awake for hours , with cold , sexual fantasy or worry .
6 I had no trouble the night I got 94 in one setting — although I have heard tales from other warreners who have suggested this has happened to them .
7 That night I lie awake in bed for hours , thinking about this .
8 well what we do is that we we all know each-other 's hand- writing so we borrow each-other 's pens and like last night I did all of maths prep and he , we 'll both remember that , and then one night when I 'm like under a lot of pressure to do some prep , he 'll like return the favour
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