Example sentences of "taken a [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Commission has shown that it is able to act with relative speed under this procedure and has taken a variety of actions under it , including ordering a party to supply another party , refusing to allow undertakings to acquire further shares in a company in a takeover situation , ordering the cessation of predatory pricing and an order requiring the execution of a detailed supply agreement under which the Commission was to be notified of any price changes by the offending party or any case where it was unable to fulfil orders .
2 Interference theories have taken a variety of forms .
3 The important point is that the two-stage sampling process involves a sample of the primaries from each member of which is taken a sample of secondaries .
4 Detective Constable David Hemes told the inquest that Mr Ryder had left his home and gone to his chemist 's shop in Old Town Lane , Formby , and taken a bottle of barbiturates .
5 Having taken a change of clothes and underwear to the beach with her , she was able to put on a fresh dress before tucking the children into bed .
6 Harrison had arrived for the Sports on the previous evening , taken a couple of glasses of beer in the Fish — complimented the landlord on his brew — and then gone to sleep out the night in a barn .
7 It must have taken a couple of hours or more to reach the machan , a platform raised on poles .
8 He had taken a couple of tablets of synthesized dope .
9 I had taken a couple of slices of bread up the tree with me , with the intention of feeding small pieces of pinched flake into their midst to see if they would accept them .
10 What Harry Lime missed out on , though , was the fact that if he 'd gone Club 18–30 instead of Austrian Airlines , and taken a couple of friends in tow who were paying the full price , he could have copped for a massive sixty sovs off his bill , got a suntan into the bargain , and avoided coming to a very nasty end in the sewers .
11 Then , entering Henry 's land once more , they had taken a couple of fences in good style and returned home in excellent spirits , congratulating each other warmly .
12 She had hardly taken a couple of steps before she was surrounded by clubgoers , and was forced to swallow a quick rush of impatience , summoning up her brightest smile as she accepted their compliments .
13 ‘ Better ? ’ she said when he 'd taken a couple of swallows , and he managed to nod again .
14 Whether or not horses understand landing procedure ( they do n't smoke or have to cope with seat-belts ) , it occurred to me that we had taken a couple of bites at the cherry on our approach — I could only guess how near we came to dismantling the gateway to India , for there are no windows in those vehicles .
15 Up to the fifth floor , then walk down to the third , where he 'd taken a couple of rooms .
16 The cost of this exercise was considered prohibitive , and the time factor to effect the alterations involved had it been financially acceptable , would have taken a couple of years .
17 We 've taken a number of factors into account one of which is the lower occupancy levels at Beaver Vale .
18 Therefore the Commission has taken a number of actions to attempt to minimise its occurrence .
19 The Scottish Office has taken a number of initiatives on homelessness , as the hon. Gentleman knows .
20 This has taken a number of forms and has not spread as widely as some of its supporters might have hoped .
21 Again these changes have been in response to legislation and have taken a number of forms .
22 While making it easier for people to build up considerable capital assets , and to pass these on intact , the Government has taken a number of measures that have allowed many people to acquire capital assets for the first time .
23 The School has taken a number of steps to maintain these numbers by continual monitoring and updating the programmes it offers ; the Financial Studies degrees have recently been re-structured to make them more attractive to students wishing to enter the financial services industry ; Mathematics continues to expand the portfolio of the degree combination it offers .
24 The Government have taken a number of steps to promote the provision of affordable homes for exactly the people whom the hon. Gentleman mentions .
25 Since that point we have taken a number of steps to reduce students ' reliance on benefits .
26 Both people entering unemployment as a result of losing a temporary job and people taking temporary jobs as a way out of unemployment seemed more likely to have taken a number of jobs , to have experienced a number of spells of unemployment , to have had less time in work and more time in unemployment than people becoming unemployed for other reasons , or managing to obtain a permanent job on leaving unemployment .
27 It had only taken a matter of yards for her to acknowledge that her sandals made abysmal hiking boots .
28 Now listen answer the question I asked you , answer the question I asked you , she has taken a lot of drugs in the past , not Prozac .
29 Wilkinson has battled hard and taken a lot of knocks this season .
30 If only could have stayed behind to hear this being said , he could 've taken a lot of messages back to his friends in government .
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