Example sentences of "taken into [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 A veteran ETA leader , José Manuel Pagoaga Galléstegui , was taken into detention in the French Basque region in June 1989 ; Eloy Uriarte Díaz de Guereño , regarded as number three in the organizational leadership ( and also known as " Señor Robles " ) , was arrested on July 11 in Bayonne , south-west France , but was released on July 13 subject to his restriction to a particular area .
2 He pointed out that although the Select Committee had regretted that the opinion of the assessors was not taken into consideration in the outcome of the competition , they would probably not have chosen Scott .
3 All aspects of the patient , the emotional , mental and spiritual planes as well as the physical , are taken into consideration in the homoeopathic approach to medicine .
4 Language and text-type preferences must both be taken into consideration in the process of translation .
5 But it does mean that cross-addiction is a factor that may possibly be of some influence in all of this and that it is a factor that may need to be taken into consideration in the long term in attempting to improve the over all quality of recovery .
6 The committee 's report will be taken into consideration in the preparation of a White Paper , dealing with the pit closures and any other changes that might affect the energy market .
7 It was submitted that the risk of death was already taken into consideration in the expectation of life .
8 But even when the information is thought to be reasonably complete and reliable , there are a number of considerations which have to be taken into account in the interpretation of the coins from any site .
9 At Maastricht we secured a landmark in animal welfare : our partners ' agreement to a declaration that the welfare of animals should be taken into account in the framing of EC legislation .
10 Molar loss is harder to interpret because the different taxonomic groups of prey species have to be taken into account in the analysis ( Table 3.6 ) .
11 These factors were then taken into account in the statistical analysis of the data .
12 DB32 , as it became colloquially known , was the long awaited planners ' guide , advising on the considerations which should be taken into account in the layout of residential roads and footpaths in new housing schemes , as well as in improvement areas .
13 In a particular situation it will bind him only to heed , in addition to its other features , everything taken into account in the general situation .
14 Whether or not a notional syllabus will help to promote a communicative competence will depend on just how it is used , how grammatical and situational factors are taken into account in the manner of its implementation .
15 They may , however , be taken into account in the initial measurement of the liability in respect of debt to which they directly relate since by this means the financial effect on the issuer of the transaction as a whole is properly reflected .
16 In accordance with the definitions set out in paragraphs 8 and 14 of the [ draft ] FRS , the interest for the full term of the convertible debt should be taken into account in the allocation of finance costs , which should be allocated at a constant rate in accordance with paragraph 25 . [
17 The note deals with the special factors to be taken into account in the annual audit of syndicates , managing agents and Lloyd 's brokers .
18 It deals with the special factors to be taken into account in the annual audit of syndicates , managing agents and Lloyd 's brokers , and covers the procedures to be followed in making regulatory and pro forma reports on items such as the annual solvency test , the financial position of agents and brokers , cash calls on Names and run-off years of account .
19 Clause headings are inserted in this Agreement for convenience only , and they shall not be taken into account in the interpretation of this Agreement .
20 Clause headings are inserted in this Agreement for convenience only , and they shall not be taken into account in the interpretation of this Agreement .
21 There may come a point when the rights and needs of other people have to be taken into account in the planning which is done for old people and it is morally unacceptable to take a stance which disregards others ' interests .
22 In this type of work the researcher 's personality inevitably bulks large and has to be taken into account in the evaluation of his reports ( a critical task which colleagues assume with un-becoming zeal ) .
23 Changes in the organisation of inheritance , the importance assigned to primogeniture , shifts in the rules of exogamy and in the permitted degrees of marriages , in the construction of family forms in ideology and in welfare practices , the class differences in family and household patterns , the shaping of sex and gender divisions : all have to be taken into account in the organisation of sexuality .
24 Minorities are also part of the people and , as far as possible , their interests , views and convictions must be taken into account in the processes of policy-making and decision-taking .
25 The Board has been delighted to congratulate her majesty 's government er in its insistence that factors such as public order should be taken into account in the fixing of a Europe wide alcohol pricing policy .
26 In 2.3 we have discussed the problems for the discourse analyst in specifying what aspects of the apparently illimitable features of context are to be taken into account in the interpretation of discourse .
27 Thus the existence of an alleged defence to a criminal prosecution is merely a matter to be taken into account in the exercise of the court 's discretion when considering whether it is just and convenient that interlocutory relief should be granted ( post , pp. 173D–F , 178H , 179A , 190D–E ) .
28 In my opinion , the existence of an alleged defence is a matter to be taken into account in the exercise of the court 's discretion , when deciding whether it is just and convenient that interlocutory relief should be granted .
29 Much of this critique of current policy has been taken into account in the White Paper outlining new policy on restrictive trades practices ( Department of Trade and Industry , 1989 ) and the consultation document on options to tighten up the legislation and policy implementation in the area of abuse of market power ( Department of Trade and Industry , 1992 ) .
30 Given a willingness on the part of the academic community , all the student freedoms I have cited — from the right of applicants to have their experiential learning taken into account in the admissions process , through allowing students a significant measure of control over their curriculum , to submitting to an assessment regime which is explicitly designed to allow students to do justice to the higher-order abilities they have acquired — could be assured to students .
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