Example sentences of "taken [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The recent picture shows the ceremony at the crash site , the other was taken secretly on the day of the disaster .
2 However , it is vulnerable to wind noises , especially if the shot is being taken right into the weather .
3 It is difficult to measure the extent to which stockholding influences decision-making , but taken together with the interchange of personnel through interlocking directorships , trading connections are most certainly cemented through financial channels .
4 The victory by the environmental campaigners , taken together with the intensity of the campaign over Twyford Down [ ibid. ] may prove a turning point in Britain 's roads programme .
5 Taken together with the finding that an initial RVF superiority on a visual reaction time task gave way to a LVF superiority when subjects were required to simultaneously hold in memory a list of nouns ( Hellige , Cox and Litvac , 1979 ) , this implies that dynamic shifts in attention are insufficient to explain all perceptual laterality effects .
6 The list of reported elements above delineates the readers ' discourse models of the text world , taken together with the predicate relations between the elements in the network .
7 Scientific examination adds another dimension of evidence to authenticity studies which , taken together with the art historical evidence , can allow us to make an attribution with much more confidence .
8 The environmental benefits taken together with the reductions in congestion and traffic and accidents , outweigh the environmental dis-benefits , yes .
9 Taken together with the measurement of the gravitational spectral shift these measurements make up the classical tests of GR .
10 Taken together with the replacement of the solid , load-bearing external walls by rows of brick piers flanking narrower infill panels , this development allowed the area of window relative to wall to increase to a maximum in the 1900s when the façades of mills became more glass than brick .
11 The Dunning Report on assessment should be taken together with the Munn Report on curriculum ( see 1977 Munn ) .
12 Taken together with the author 's Building & Civil Engineering Standard Forms ( 1969 with 1970 and 1973 Supplements ) and the tenth edition of Hudson 's Building and Engineering Contracts ( 1970 ) which is edited by the author , this book gives the practitioner sound and practical assistance on virtually any problem which may confront him in this difficult and increasingly important area of law .
13 These factors , taken together with the attractions of Edinburgh as a city and the University as a large , intellectually lively and well-supported institution , make the Faculty of Social Sciences an exciting and satisfying place in which to conduct research .
14 When taken together with the data of Chong et al ( 12 ) who observed a decrease in the activity of the HPV-16 URR in HeLa cells when this motif was deleted , this indicates that this motif may play a role in the level of gene expression driven by the URR and in its epithelial specificity .
15 Taken together with the fact that this region is required for DNA-PK directed phosphorylation of c-Jun and , since Ser-249 of c-Jun was initially identified because it contains homology to sites of DNA-PK phosphorylation in other proteins , these data strongly suggest that the DNA-PK phosphorylates c-Jun at Ser-249 .
16 This may be invention , for the propaganda value of possessing a saint courted thus by a king renowned for his piety is obvious ; but if not , and taken together with the Encomiast 's statement that Cnut visited St Omer while on pilgrimage to Rome , a journey in which he embarked from somewhere near Canterbury ( maybe Sandwich ) and sailed to Flanders seems a distinct possibility .
17 Professor Jacobs even states that ‘ it would be proper , for example , if it were regarded as desirable … to require that agricultural and environmental considerations be taken together in the assessment of eligibility for support ’ .
18 Instead of these days being taken together in the spring when the estimates were published , ‘ supply days ’ were scattered throughout the session so that the Opposition , which is allowed to choose the subjects , could always have some time available should it wish to raise some immediate aspect of government policy .
19 Just 24 pictures taken inside by a prison officer on film provided by the guests , will record the nuptials .
20 Even with delays while the Office of Fair Trading considered whether to refer these takeovers to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( it did not in the end ) the whole process had taken only until the spring of 1991 .
21 Many of the decisions in this regard will be taken annually by the partners : where departures from the general rules are agreed , they should be promptly set down in writing and signed by all partners .
22 Taken all over the place .
23 Not , well this one specifically this but er I mean there 's tapes being taken all over the place .
24 ‘ Tell me , were you taken all over the house and grounds to make your survey or whatever you do ? ’
25 The phrase ‘ fit to rule ’ , is taken literally in the US .
26 Unless taken separately to a gully , sink wastes are the same size as bath/shower wastes .
27 Before they were out of the English channel a severe storm washed a man overboard and left Mrs Dutton so ill she had to be taken ashore in a pilot boat when the storm dropped .
28 But as we pointed out at the beginning of this chapter , the courts are only one of a series– of filters regulating access to the criminal justice and penal processes and , as such , they are also affected by decisions taken elsewhere in the system .
29 However the European Commission and most E C governments refute this and contend that legislation is needed to ensure that workers are not kept in the dark about decisions taken elsewhere in the community that could affect their livelihoods .
30 We drove off to another barracks in Lille where we were taken individually into an office occupied by a portly Major ; he handed each of us a pile of papers and we were told to sign each one at the bottom .
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