Example sentences of "thought that he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He thought that he 'd found what he wanted in a village so small that it was n't even marked on his petrol-station roadmap .
2 A teenager who thought that he 'd won more than a hundred thousand pounds on a bet has today been told that he 'll get just seven hundred and twenty eight pounds .
3 When he thought that he had fulfilled his duty well , he called out in a loud voice : ‘ Emperor Frederick this tune is presented to you ! ’
4 Dieter did not prove a popular leader –many thought that he had accepted the Marienburger 's money a little too readily –and he was replaced by Wilhelm III , Prince of Altdorf and Elector Count of the Reikland .
5 She thought that he had stopped his baiting of her , had accepted her , if not exactly for what she claimed to be , but as herself .
6 For a moment he thought that he had lost control , and the bank loomed at him .
7 At first he thought that he had discovered a new particle , but then an astrophysicist friend of one of Alvarez 's colleagues recognised that it had the characteristics of proton-deuteron fusion — pd fusion-catalysed by a muon .
8 Both sides had again overclaimed substantially ; only two Hurricanes had been lost — probably at least one Messerschmitt pilot thought that he had shot down Fred Robertson 's aircraft .
9 Everyone thought that he had fallen into the river and been carried away .
10 He thought that he had heard the house door close : McAllister must have left for a stroll , or perhaps even a visit up West , and it would be safe for him to leave the surgery where he had been reading Mr H. G. Wells 's scientific romance The Time Machine , and return to the comfort of his armchair .
11 At the time he told his son that he thought that he had made a discovery which would prove comparable in importance with those of Newton .
12 For a moment he thought that he had felt something , an infinitesimal trembling of the earth .
13 Mac came seventh in that race , but I thought that he had done well .
14 I was astonished , and thought that he had misunderstood my question .
15 I thought that he had found his salvation with me .
16 And Freud and a lot of other German speaking people , thought that he had let them down , because he did n't have the political goodness .
17 She thought that he had put her off handsome , impudent men for life .
18 Returning towards the island he saw five Ju88s heading out to sea and although he now had little ammunition left , attacked and thought that he had managed to damage one .
19 He was successful in the former , and he thought that he had laid the foundations for the latter .
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