Example sentences of "made [pers pn] [vb infin] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 They came together with control engineer Dave Smith to look at this particular problem but , as their work progressed , their recently acquired quality training made them realise that a Corrective Action Team was needed to look at the wider question .
2 This sight made me realise that the herbicides not only caused the trees to lose their leaves , as I had heard , but also sometimes killed the entire tree .
3 Carol began to sing a very rude version of ‘ Pretty Flamingo ’ which made me think that the stories of graffiti in ladies loos were all true .
4 Whatever made you think that the idea — of course quite impossible , though for the sake of argument we will not imagine it so — myself and Edward going away together was simply unconventional .
5 The return to normality after the Angelus hush made him feel that the all-seeing spirit which had for a while hovered doubtfully over his actions had now moved on .
6 It ran beside a broad , shaded boulevard of feathery pepper trees , and the sudden sight of European-style buildings made him reflect that the jungles , fields and villages through which they 'd been moving for the past few hours had remained unchanging throughout many centuries .
7 He employed the future founder of the house of Bollinger , Jacques Bollinger , then aged nineteen , to sell his wines in Germany , but it was Müller 's experience at Veuve Clicquot which made him realise that the Russian market possessed the greatest potential for sales .
8 His attachment to the ‘ theory of courage ’ made him believe that the Western world in his lifetime had been short not of wit or of strength , but of will .
9 According to Eadmer , it was a small incident which opened Anselm 's eyes to the true state of affairs , and made him realize that the king would in no circumstances allow him to take any action beyond the routine of his episcopal duties .
10 This experience , acquired in an age when the chemist was regarded as an expert only in a special field , turned Davis into a generalist and made him realize that the enormous variety of industrial chemical processes could be reduced to a relatively small number of operations , and that the study of these in the abstract would enable general principles to be discovered which could be applied to any process operation — the keystone of chemical engineering .
11 Not least , the absence of any serious rationing of consumer goods , and the large number of exemptions from military service for skilled workers and farmers made it appear that the regime was well in control of developments , did not fear a war on the 1914–18 scale , and was even rather generous in its provisioning arrangements .
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