Example sentences of "whether it is [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is the essential ingredient in much of the best Italian cuisine , whether it is cooked in the dish , sprinkled onto the food just before serving , or eaten as a table cheese .
2 We have to examine the reasons for and against the directive and judge whether it is justified in order to decide whether its mistake , if it is not justified , is large or small .
3 Whether it is viewed as a physical or metaphysical symbol , the image has never been so degraded as it is today .
4 Whether that is done on the basis of relying on the goodwill of the people in private care or whether it is done through regulation is something that 1 ) we have to decide our preference on and 2 ) we have to lobby government quite hard on .
5 Whether it is done in groups , with individuals or with the whole class , everyone viewing should be involved in a positive way in carrying out the evaluation .
6 You need to ask not only whether the actual care is specifically designed for that individual , but also whether it is given at a time that is chosen to suit the person , and possibly family and friends who may be involved .
7 Cholesterol , whether it is absorbed from dietary sources or manufactured in the body , is transported in the blood to the tissues needing it .
8 The language of section 20(1) ( iv ) ( b ) is wide enough to cover larceny by a bailee or part owner and embezzlement ; but it is a matter of dispute whether it does so or whether it is limited to those types of misappropriation , originally not criminal , for which the Act of 1901 was intended to provide .
9 The same principle applies to the highest key on any track ; as the highest key on track 06 was 298 when the file was created , a record with the key 299 belongs logically to track 07 , whether it is stored on that track already or has not yet been added .
10 In fact , the legal force of any particular rule depends partly on the source of its authority ( essentially , whether it is supported by statute or not ) ; partly on the way it is drafted ( rules which are drafted in precise technical language are more likely to be given some legal force than are rules drafted loosely and non-technically ) ; and partly on its contents .
11 Whether it is based on CD-ROM , CD-I or any other specific platform is impossible to determine and , indeed , is no longer the most important issue .
12 If any work has been carried out , ask the seller whether it is covered by a guarantee , and make sure you see written proof .
13 The disk ( a ) whether it is covered by small scales or by distinct plates ; ( b ) most scales or plates carry one or more spinelets , the shape and density of these spinelets are important : ( c ) in some species of the subfamily Ophioplinthacinae the shape and position of radial shields is important .
14 Successful nursing depends very largely on the nurse 's ability to deal effectively with information received through the senses , whether it is obtained by formal means , such as taking blood-pressure , temperatures and so on or by informal means such as noticing changes in the patient 's condition during bed-making .
15 This mode of rationality , whether it is applied to scientific or technological problems or to problems of economic production is governed by ‘ strategies based on analytic knowledge ’ ( Habermas 1971 : 92 ) .
16 Different elements of the term objectification may be emphasized , depending upon whether it is applied to the process of ontogenesis , culture or modernity .
17 I am unable to accept this argument , whether it is applied to the contravener himself or to persons ‘ knowingly concerned . ’
18 Information , whether it is prepared for external or internal purposes , should be objective .
19 Once it is determined that a particular exclusion clause is not invalidated under fiduciary law , it is then necessary to consider whether it is affected by the common law and statutory restrictions on exclusion clauses generally .
20 Whether it is said of Krishna or Vishnu or Siva , the same structure of religious thought recurs .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that nothing is more insulting to women — whether it is said by women or men — than talk of setting targets for the number of women to be in top posts ?
22 It is uncertain whether the coffee plant manufactures this chemical for its own mysterious purpose , or whether it is made as an accidental byproduct of the roasting process ( the smell of coffee originates from the latter source ) .
23 Many additions are made to the basic cheeses , such as mushrooms peppercorns , garlic and herbs , but the greatest distinguishing factor between one Brie and the next is whether it is made with pasteurised or fresh , untreated milk .
24 Further codes are added to indicate the functional groups that use the information , the source and/or destination of the information item , and whether it is generated from within the system , or received from an external source .
25 But an RUC spokesman warned : ‘ The motorist who is tempted to buy one of these will be discovered at some stage , whether it is presented at a police station in relation to an accident or submitted by a new owner to an MOT centre for a test . ’
26 Here , drought is the crux of the matter and whether it is caused by or causes land degradation .
27 When we turn to that most distinctive feature of cave organisms , regressive evolution , we can not decide whether it is caused by selection or genetic drift ; nor can we settle whether allozymic variation is due to selection or drift .
28 It is however a controversial project because of the cost of its electricity and the question as to whether it is needed at the present time despite electricity being the main growth area in the Brazilian energy demand picture .
29 At $60 , anyone who has held his shares will have received the full benefit of the new information whether it is disclosed to him or not .
30 Should you acquire an adult dog from a rescue centre , it may be worth enquiring whether it is marked in this manner to ensure that the record is updated when you take possession of the dog .
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