Example sentences of "whether it be [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , the secretary of state or the local planning authority can vary the period , and there is no bar to the renewal of permission after that period has elapsed ( whether it be five years or more or less ) .
2 When I say it was a Government decision I 'm not speaking politically because whoever had 've won the last election whether it be Liberal Democrats Labour or Conservative all three parties were committed to reorganizing local government .
3 Yeah , I mean , ef effectively , much of my job is involved with erm , handling negotiations , whether it be internal departments or at agencies , or whatever .
4 Our hope is that this letter will be a warning to others and that some of your readers may be alerted to check on their security arrangements , whether it be simple precautions or advice about a security installation .
5 Self-esteem or pride gives the horse confidence to try and get what it wants or needs ; and success increases the horse 's confidence further so it may dare to try and win against greater odds — whether it be stronger horses , an adverse environment , or dominant people .
6 Workers within a paradigm , whether it be Newtonian mechanics , wave optics , analytical chemistry or whatever , practise what Kuhn calls normal science .
7 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
8 Whether it is affirmative orders for national schemes or negative orders for local schemes , the procedure is very unsatisfactory .
9 I mean do do yo , do you think women take more drugs than men do , whether recreationally or or or fo for their health or now th , is th is there a particular problem that women have with drugs whether it 's illegal drugs or tranquillizers ?
10 Now he 's tried to shift the responsibility , and that 's something we 're all good at doing , we like shifting the responsibility , whether it 's in even the very tiny things in life , or whether it 's major issues , we like to shift the responsibility to other people , then if it goes wrong we 're alright , our hands are clean , we we 'll have nothing to do with it .
11 Whether it 's five minutes , ten minutes or next season , I 'll be back . ’
12 Erm in my experience it 's quite normal for erm a period after the close of the enquiry to be erm given to erm the planning authority or authorities to on other matters which are outstanding at the close of the enquiry , whether it 's two weeks , whether it 's whether it 's very very common , it 's it 's reasonable that the authority should have that opportunity to .
13 Mr Chairman I 'm , I 'm a little bit concerned about er number two er there 's something that is , we promised to reply straightforward written enquiry with without sort of commenting on whether it 's two weeks , two days , or whatever , I am a little concerned that some of the replies people show me that have had from Highways Department , erm , they really whoever writes them do n't go into any detail , I 've had , I 've seen letters recently where , where somebody said it will be dealt with in about four weeks ' time , well that 's okay , maybe they 've good and valid reasons why about four weeks is about right for their particular problem , but they do n't know why it 's gon na take four weeks , they say oh god they should be able to do that in a couple of days there 's no problem it 's an easy little job , I , I feel that the , our officers when they reply they should give some amount of detail and if they give a time span in which they 're gon na put something right , they should say why it 's gon na take that long .
14 And whether it 's new sections , price cutting , more sports pages or simply giving away compact discs , everybody 's at it , offering their readers better and better value for money .
15 Whether it 's living facilities , or erm for facilities for people to use , er that certainly needs to be done .
16 But in a sense it does n't really matter whether it 's one parable , whether it 's three parables , or whether it 's four parables , it 's what Jesus was trying to teach to these people , and over these next three weeks , we 're gon na be looking at these three , er illustrations that Jesus uses .
17 Er , yes , it 's a requirement for the actual length of the contract on us in the first place but the second point is that , in the tender documents , we 've actually asked all the contractors to price all the different permutations , whether it 's seven cuts , eleven cuts , hundred millimetres or a hundred and fifty millimetres .
18 But in a sense it does n't really matter whether it 's one parable , whether it 's three parables , or whether it 's four parables , it 's what Jesus was trying to teach to these people , and over these next three weeks , we 're gon na be looking at these three , er illustrations that Jesus uses .
19 When you get a blow on the head and fall forward , whether it 's flying stones or a blackjack , you may fall heavily , but even so I do n't think you 'd embed yourself as deeply in the mud as Mr Hambro was embedded . ’
20 Well she said this scan 'll tell whether it 's something like rheumatoid arthritis fibrositis , or whether it 's pulled muscles or anything like that .
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