Example sentences of "whether [pers pn] [vb past] to be " in BNC.

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1 ( When you were young , do you remember whether you wanted to be like your mother ? )
2 Sometimes Anne was annoyed by this unnecessary furtiveness and sometimes wondered why John had not explained the situation to her sooner and let her decide whether she wished to be involved with him , but she pushed these doubts aside .
3 When Sarah herself left school at the age of 18 , she was n't sure whether she wanted to be a teacher or a nurse .
4 She wondered if Mrs Gray wanted to be fair to her husband and to avoid mentioning him in a role which showed him having to report to HQ , as it were ; or whether she wanted to be fair to Canon Wheeler , about whom , her tone suggested , she might share her husband 's opinion .
5 Whether they claimed to be left-wing , right-wing , or neither at that time .
6 Though not sure whether he wanted to be a painter or a writer he knew he was no Haydon , the fashionable golden boy of the day , the ‘ angry young man of romantic art . ’
7 Though he had no idea what lay behind it , he knew that by virtue of having witnessed Cindy in the execution of a lie , he himself was — whether he wanted to be or not — somehow involved .
8 Whether he wanted to be hurt and suffer , or an excuse to hit me back , I do n't know , but I 'm sure he wanted me to hit him .
9 I just asked whether it had to be done in here , while I 'm eating . ’
10 We said everything should be examined and questioned to see whether it needed to be done at all .
11 The City would be free , whether it wanted to be or not .
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