Example sentences of "point [prep] [noun] was the " in BNC.

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1 Their point of departure was the pre-mechanisation tradition of ‘ single place ’ working in the Durham and Northumberland coalfields .
2 One principle point of concern was the news that the county 's only heavy rescue vehicle , currently stationed at Darlington , would be transferred to Bishop Auckland .
3 So , in general , I think we should be as sceptical er and critical of any of these proposed changes and the key point of course was the at the lack of accountability , but there 'll be even less accountability one suspects in the new consortium .
4 A further point of disagreement was the SOC 's insistence that the plan should explicitly refer to Khmer Rouge " genocide " .
5 The next point of contention was the question of the economic regulator or regulators of the Soviet economy .
6 But what brought her to the point of retaliation was the sight of his hands mauling a plate of sliced mutton , digging his fingers into the pieces of meat and snatching them up and trying to screw them up like pieces of paper and hurl them at the bookcase .
7 The major point of conflict was the means of determining whether or not a defendant was guilty , not the definition of criminal offences or the failure of the British to take into account status differentials .
8 For most of the 1940s the core difficulty from the British point of view was the dollar shortage , which was the key to the reserve position .
9 But the major flaw from the constable 's point of view was the impossibility of putting a good case to a senior officer who was prosecutor , judge , and jury .
10 The most important change in this region from the Russian point of view was the withdrawal of the Yenisei Kirgiz to Dzhungaria , which enabled the Russians to complete the subjugation of the Minusinsk ‘ Tatars ’ and the Altaians .
11 Telling him you were pregnant at that point in time was the height of selfishness , ’ he went on .
12 The most important point at issue was the tactic of infiltration which had led to several splits in the American Socialist Workers ' Party , the dominant group in Trotsky 's Fourth International .
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