Example sentences of "seen to [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
2 They do not fit the conventional academic system in which there is seen to be little alternative provision for their needs , so they opt out altogether from involvement in school and wait resentfully for their official release at 16 .
3 Brownie points for guts , if true ; but public confidence is not going to be restored in the integrity of official information unless it is seen to be properly independent of the government machine that is now exerting its improper pressures behind closed doors .
4 It also uses English recall , as does Klima and Bellugi 's ( 1979 ) work , and this must affect the output code , which is seen to be most important in the work outlined above .
5 The aspect of society which is seen to be most important in this respect is called the dominant instance , and Althusser and his followers argue that it is determined in the last instance by the economy .
6 Although the details of their theory are now seen to be clearly wrong , their insight , that different parts of the brain are responsible for different processes , has stood the test of time and research and informs much of our current understanding of the brain .
7 Taking into account their respective lifetimes ( 1–2 weeks and 1 day ) , however , the two oxidants are seen to be approximately equal in importance as repositories of highly reactive oxygen .
8 To have devised the material ‘ in house ’ using DES and HMI would have been and would have been seen to be unhealthily parochial ; to have used the National Curriculum Council would have involved too great a delay .
9 All aspects of education are included and the experiences of black and female pupils are seen to be qualitatively different from that of white male pupils .
10 Marxism is not seen to be particularly antagonistic to the rights of women , and several women attribute their general political consciousness to the education they received through the Party .
11 The first wave approach to NHS management was seen to be increasingly inappropriate to the needs of the service and society at large .
12 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
13 As a result , the range of permissible accounting treatments was seen to be amazingly broad .
14 Whereas Pleistocene geology was seen to be primarily concerned with stratigraphy and chronology , Butzer saw the need for a more comprehensive study of past environments and envisaged Pleistocene Geography as concerned with the natural environment and focused on the same themes of man and nature that are the concern of historical and contemporary geographies .
15 Out of this , we can arrive perhaps at some principles of practice which can be seen to be both compatible with normalisation ( in our preferred sense ) and supportive of self-advocacy .
16 any targets or standards of performance must have been previously agreed between employee and superior , or team colleagues , and be seen to be both sensible and reasonable
17 The effect of being rich ( +0.068 ) is seen to be pretty small .
18 Organizations are seen to be not unlike armies engaged in battle with the armies of other enterprises .
19 The novelist 's justification of ludism is usually couched in pseudo-political language : all meaning is seen to be implicitly ideological , therefore playful and experimental writing becomes a means of subverting dominant ideologies .
20 You could , for instance , to select a name at random , call somebody a Kevin and be seen to be especially rude .
21 The church occupies an interesting site in relation to the rest of the village , and the manor sites can now also be seen to be very complex .
22 The expectations and priorities of social workers are seen to be very low in relation to the children 's education ; changes of placement lead to changes of school and this is seldom taken into account in placement decisions .
23 Bearing in mind that the Earth is only about 150 million kilometres from the Sun , the chances of one of our spores being captured by any potentially life-sustaining planet of a Centauri can be seen to be very slender indeed .
24 Efforts to chart continuities in maladjustment almost invariably fail to find more than a small relationship between early attachment or infant behaviour and later emotional or behavioural adjustment , and although very early relationships and behaviour are seen to be very important , most researchers aiming to demonstrate this fact end by concluding that discontinuity rather than continuity is the rule ( e.g. Lewis et al. , 1984 ; Fischer et al. , 1984 ) .
25 This is seen to be further complicated by a part such as P4 where the component can be obtained from two separate sources .
26 The mask she has to wear in order to be accepted as an equal is seen to be seriously flawed .
27 Singer 's utilitarianism , for example , has already been seen to be eminently manipulable .
28 Thus the responsibility for unemployment would be seen to lie with the unemployed , who would then be seen to be personally responsible for their own unemployment , poverty , etc .
29 If the B Ed was a degree which enjoyed the status of all other first degrees , then it must be and be seen to be academically respectable .
30 Since " murder " is a strong term and some killings are not seen to be as heinous as the archetypal murder case , the retention of a second form of criminal killing is probably a good idea .
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