Example sentences of "men and [noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Men and women who grew up during the swinging sixties may have a different view of sexual fidelity from those who are slightly older .
2 Like those sad old men and women who haunt every casino , they knew the wheel must always win in the end .
3 Some men and women who heard this felt a final satisfaction in knowing that he was a coward in the end .
4 For each of the nonmanual groups the proportions of men and women who smoked were similar but prevalence was higher among men than among women in the manual groups [ 1 ] .
5 Although cigarette smoking prevalence has remained higher among men than among women , there has been a narrowing in the gap between the proportions of men and women who smoke cigarettes .
6 Where are the men and women who manned them ?
7 The Christian ideal was more the saint than the sage : men and women who made the world to come seem present now rather than those who knew how to live and survive in a stormy and dangerous society .
8 In the past , these communities produced men and women who made valuable contributions to Scotland and mankind in general , in many fields of endeavour .
9 The men and women who made it were among the friends who welcomed us to Nigeria and Ghana .
10 The English had not been acquiring new subjects in the first century and a half of their overseas expansion ; for the next century and a half they acquired new subjects at a rate which would have been quite inconceivable if they had been dealing with men and women who thought about their political rights and obligations in terms of nationalism .
11 Rampton began life as a criminal lunatic asylum in 1912 and today takes men and women who require treatment under special security conditions because of their dangerous , violent or criminal tendencies .
12 We remember that the church is not a building , but a family , a body of redeemed men and women who follow Jesus .
13 The fact that they do so and produce any results at all in such circumstances says a great deal about the men and women who serve us all in Derbyshire .
14 In partnership with Forces Help Society , SSAFA cares for men and women who serve or have ever served in the Armed Forces and their families and dependents .
15 All were momentous events that will never be forgotten , least of all by the men and women who fought in them .
16 Remember the fighting qualities of the Maccabeans ; think of the Warsaw ghetto and the amazing resistance therein of a few ordinary men and women who fought a whole battalion of Nazi storm-troopers , while Polish people stood by and wondered at such bravery .
17 I was astonished , for instance , at the number of married men and women who contacted us .
18 One can also ask whether bureaucracies determine the behaviour of the men and women who take part in the process of decision or whether these human individuals determine , among other things , the behaviour of the bureaucracies to which they belong .
19 So say the dozens of famous men and women who 've signed the advertisement due to appear in tomorrow 's Times .
20 Let us instead sing the praises of those who get us to smile — the Hundred Funniest ( say we ) People in Britain : those indomitable men and women who help us to cackle through our tears , and who , while they do n't make the bad times any better , certainly make them hurt less .
21 The first requirement must be love of and pride in one 's country , which can grow only in men and women who genuinely feel they have a stake in it , however small ; men and women who know that their own initiative , ingenuity , and hard work will improve that stake and make fuller and more secure lives for their families .
22 For of course the Pacific is still influenced by the Atlantic that once dominated the world : the ties that bound the world together yesterday — personified by the men and women who came out from the West to trade or to peddle religion , to colonize , annex , smuggle or fight — these ties still exist today , though more weakly , with less influence and fewer and fewer people enrolled in the process .
23 The men and women who came were dressed differently from those who jostled one another in the rue Sanghines , but they looked at money the same way .
24 To the men and women who wait in its shadow with the ground rumbling under them and the volcanic ash hiding the sun , it is a terrifying reality which may drive them to the most desperate expedients .
25 Much has been written about the pioneering spirit of the men and women who left their homelands in times of primitive travel facilities and poor communications , to settle on virgin land of which they had little or no knowledge .
26 Defence of the Wild seven o'clock , folks on men and women who dedicate their lives protecting the worlds , the worlds wilderness
27 Even so , it took great nerve and daring to ride that wind for such a distance and it is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the balloon pioneers , yet it will be seen that those men and women who followed Sadler into the skies display , in their own way , no less daring than he .
28 Mr Good said the four leaders came to the conclusion that they would not be prepared , under any circumstances , to talk with men and women who use violence and kill and destroy .
29 To aid his election campaign , Roosevelt had gathered together a body of men and women who became known as his Brain Trust , mostly from the universities .
30 And the scene of the burning of the books , seen on film by her many times , was as vivid as an actual memory : Hitler 's jack-booted thugs in their brown shirts , swastikas on their arms , heaving the books from the Library and heaping the heritage of the world on to a pyre , dancing and gloating as the flames consumed book after book , volume after volume : Heine , Schiller , Brecht , Thomas Mann , Einstein , Freud , Marx : history , poetry , novels , science , the works of philosophers , psychologists — men and women who had dedicated their lives for the betterment of the brutes who burned their books ; brutes living in utter ignorance , leading lives as dull and limited as the beasts of the fields , inspired only by resentment , vile prejudice , and blind hatred of what they could not understand , and , it was true , victims themselves of poverty and ignorance seeking victims in their turn — and finding them .
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