Example sentences of "men and [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The second march , on 27 December , organized by the Crusade , was calculated to have brought 90,000 men and women onto the streets , although again numbers have been hugely exaggerated .
2 There are some whose function has stimulated less comment such as tweezers found in male graves ; if it were accepted that they were primarily depilatory we must consider their role in the alteration of the physical appearance of men and women as a cultural trait .
3 This is one of the most progressive pieces of legislation in the world in attempting to establish equality between men and women as the rule in marriage .
4 Massive and beautifully-designed trophies were awarded to the top three men and women as the personal gifts given by the king , the princes and the princesses respectively .
5 Because these five women — with their beautifully made-up , famous faces are the nucleus of Parents for Safe Food , a group founded by celebrities to voice the concerns of an increasing number of men and women about the pesticides and herbicides making their way onto our plates .
6 Certainly a long term study into how best to transform the European Cups for men and women into a wholly credible fixture on the calendar , is being investigated .
7 In the words of the 1911 Manifesto of the National Council of Public Morals , an influential campaigning force , the solution to national immorality lay in educating young men and women into the physiological knowledge and lofty ideals of marriage .
8 The dawn light showed a crowd of men and women with a pack of dogs running beside them .
9 He felt the sufferings of the world most keenly when he was confronted with those who were weakest , most vulnerable , least able to defend themselves — refugees : men and women with no home to go to , and , most bereft of all refugees , children .
10 You are meant to follow in the wake of the stylised men and women with the Pentel pens on Monday 23 October , while design students only will be welcomed on the Tuesday .
11 Under these Acts , and with only minor exceptions , employers , educational establishments , and those who provide goods , facilities and services to the public ( e.g. banks , building societies , finance houses , and landlords ) commit a civil offence if they do not provide men and women with the same opportunities and services .
12 Then , in an industry that considers two-colour calling cards flashy , it was hard not to notice the earnest young men and women with the L Ron Hubbard given mission to evangelise about Dianetics , or stunt rider Eddie Kidd , who is carrying self-confidence to the point of leap-frogging his motor cycle clear across the Great Wall of China .
13 We pray that you will raise up men and women with the skills to assist them , and give them the care that they need .
14 But what gets left out time after time are the experiences of the rest of the team — the men and women at every level of the company whose contributions to the company created the success that the CEO so eagerly claims .
15 It is a sign that ordinary men and women at the workface of wealth-creation are appalled at the notion of a return to state intervention .
16 It was divided into its own hierarchies , the commercial sector of small-scale business men and women at the top , the beggars at the bottom .
17 But if you can raise that profile which I talk about , the of the ethics of of your trade , your profession and become , in effect , a pressure group , a pressure group for the public good , while we may not always agree with you , and indeed we 're going to say that we do n't agree with you and you must n't be afraid of that but we would rather hear from you , you 're the men and women at the sharp end , I hesitate to say ‘ experts ’ because ‘ expert ’ is a , a rather over-used word but we 'd much rather hear from you , at the sharp end , than the part-time politicians who , by the very nature of , of their role , and however well-meaning they may be , they have other priorities .
18 ICI , on the other hand , runs a career break scheme where breaks are available for both men and women for a period of between two and five years .
19 When the National Insurance Act was introduced in 1911 it also provided sickness benefits of 10s. per week for men , 7s. 6d. for women ( because their loss of earnings during sickness was lower than that of men ) for the first thirteen weeks of sickness , although nothing was paid for the first three days , the aim being to help long-rather than trivial short-term sickness ; 5s. per week was paid to men and women for the following thirteen weeks .
20 Management education can be broadly defined as being predominantly concerned with the training of men and women for the higher-level supervisory and decision-taking posts .
21 Second , that those rights of the individual must , like all others in a free society , belong to all men and women of every age , class and ethnic origin and be balanced by responsibilities of fair contribution and law-abiding conduct .
22 The very act of sharing this experience with men and women of every background and colour of skin , heightens that sense of being part of something that is truly a part of history .
23 The more de Gaulle insisted that his was not a party and that he was appealing to all patriotic men and women of every class , the more he was conforming to stereotypes of right-wing authoritarianism .
24 Finally as a prayer which men and women of every faith can say , the Lord 's Prayer .
25 The victory of Gothic architecture showed that Nonconformity had kept pace with the spirit of the times ; to have done otherwise would have turned them back into hole-and-corner chapels appealing , like the Quakers with their simple meeting-houses , to ‘ men and women of a certain temper ’ .
26 To my mind none of the evidence , general or specific adds much to the inherent probability that men and women of a certain age will be inclined by nature to favour the status quo .
27 The press apparently had expected Steffi 's invincible reign to last for several years — when last year Graf had a bad year ( by her standards ) the men and women of the press understandably searched for reasons for it — and voiced them .
28 And since Cambridge University of 1924 was hardly likely to breed recruits for the Labour Party — that took another three years — the young men and women of the university could not do much but move , or move further , towards the Conservative side .
29 In time of war , the men and women of the Territorial Army make up about one-third of the Army , providing more than half the infantry needed in BAOR and over sixty per cent of the Army 's medical services .
30 The men and women of the past saw the same physical universe that we did , but their way of seeing it was quite different ; their way of describing it in written form more different still .
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