Example sentences of "men [verb] off [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My heart ached for her as I realised that she had joined the ranks of so many others I had known , who had watched their men fly off into the dusk , never to be heard of again .
2 When darkness fell , the men drove off up the escarpment and made for the rendezvous , spreading themselves out as widely as possible .
3 There are countless individual stories encapsulated in the photographs of migrant workers arriving at Continental stations or commuters pouring into the London termini , of the Jews being herded on to trains headed for the death-camps , or of armies departing for half a dozen different wars — the brave , cheerful , youthful faces of a nation 's young men heading off for the rendezvous with destiny .
4 The two men set off down a narrow path which traversed the slope diagonally .
5 Men set off in a local bus commandeered to take them to the factories on the edge of the town .
6 The idea of a small group of men setting off into the desert to travel hundreds of miles behind the enemy lines was not such a hare-brained scheme as might be thought .
7 Sadler navigated the party to within a mile of the town , and splitting into groups the men headed off into the darkness laden with their bombs .
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