Example sentences of "took place in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The 11th congress of the Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared Prisoners ( Fedefam ) took place in the Chilean capital , Santiago , in early November , attended by delegates from 14 countries .
2 From 1841 to 1911 the national increase was twenty million , over half of which took place in the metropolitan counties .
3 There is a plaque on the wall of an abbey near the Hague which records a strange event that took place in the thirteenth century :
4 The last mass execution of political prisoners took place in the second half of 1988 , when at least 2500 political prisoners were executed in prisons throughout Iran .
5 A massive growth in management education took place in the second half of the 1960s , both in the further education and the university sectors .
6 The merger of Mills and Boon and the Harlequin imprint acts as a paradigm for the sequences of company mergers and takeovers that took place in the sixties and seventies in publishing in Britain and America , a period in which the ownership structures of publishing underwent a profound shift away from specialist producers and distributors of books , towards groups of publishing houses owned largely by corporate organizations whose primary interests were not in publishing .
7 This division has its roots in developments which took place in the late 1960s and 1970s , particularly in Great Britain .
8 Erm now what I want to say at the very very end is a quick observation by Beatrix Campbell who wrote a book about the Cleveland er child sex abuse scandal which took place in the late 1980's .
9 The stench that the Doctor noted as he approached bore witness to the speed with which decay took place in the tropical climate , and he found that he had to clap a handkerchief over his mouth as he knelt to examine the body .
10 The final pulls in the NFYFC tug of war championship sponsored by Shell UK Oil took place in the grand ring on Wednesday afternoon when County Durham 's ladies team ( pictured with their trainer above ) overpowered Bedfordshire 's , and Yorkshire 's muscular men 's team out-pulled the team from Staffordshire .
11 Similar protests took place in the southern town of Lund .
12 Taking everything together , I strongly suggest that the idea that an economic miracle took place in the first six Thatcher years is a very dangerous myth .
13 The work mostly took place in the first year base , which was described as : " a large hall and four small rooms each capable of taking a group of twenty .
14 The first major privatization debate ( as we would now call it ) in this country took place in the first decade of this century .
15 All were thought to be victims of the fierce military repression which took place in the first three months following the military coup of September 1973 .
16 Further modifications and addenda took place in the first half of the twentieth century .
17 Some ten to fifteen years later a similar decline took place in the other area where it was prevalent , the interior of the Low Country .
18 He begins by allowing the possibility of schism , such as that which took place in the Roman Empire ( II , 84 ) , which implies that humans can choose not to allow totalization .
19 Compared to the extensive debate on socialist realism that took place in the Soviet Union in 1934 , Aragon 's sympathetic eulogizing m 1935 was substantively limited .
20 With many smiles and good-nights , the four went upstairs and another meeting took place in the newly-painted room , where they sat on the floor , and discussed the new problem posed by Faye and Roberta , who did not like Comrade Andrew 's role in their affairs .
21 Properly speaking , therefore , the new narrative pre-dates the so-called ‘ boom ’ , a term which is sometimes erroneously used as a synonym but which in fact refers to a process which took place in the 1960s and continued into the 1970s , when Spanish-American fiction won increasing recognition outside Latin America itself and achieved unprecedented commercial success .
22 The main surge in US international banking took place in the 1960s and 1970s , aided by the dollar becoming the world 's main vehicle and reserve currency .
23 While tensions had existed between the Prison Service in the field , their headquarters , and the Home Office since the days of Du Cane and Ruggles-Brise , they were exacerbated by the centralization that took place in the 1960s and 1970s .
24 Here we chart the substantial changes that took place in the direct/indirect tax ratio during the 1970s and early 1980s .
25 Opened on May 23rd 1901 , the line served the rural communities to the east of the town , and was speculative resulting in heavy losses , until extensive development took place in the Twenties .
26 Anindita Balslev has recently drawn attention to the subtlety of many of the Hindu philosophical arguments , for example that concerning the perceptibility of time which took place in the eleventh century .
27 It describes events which took place in the distant past towards the end of the last glacial period and the start of our own , warm , interglacial epoch .
28 Another temple site where a drastic change took place in the mid fourth century is Nettleton Scrubb ( Wilts . ) .
29 Erm now this present report is no longer necessary erm because paragraph three is now no longer accurate erm , because a change that took place in the General Assembly Executive Committee last the week before last .
30 Secondly , step ( 4 ) above should be implemented before step ( 5 ) so that at the time management subscribes the substantial part of their shares in Newco , in respect of which they have taken out loans to defray the cost of acquisition , Newco will already control Target by virtue of its contractual entitlement to acquire it ; if , in practice , steps ( 3 ) to ( 5 ) occur on the same day , board minutes and other records should show that events took place in the correct order .
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