Example sentences of "took place [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This semi-colonial expansion took place without great enthusiasm in St Petersburg .
2 But now Chambers insisted that the extensions to growth took place without supernatural interference , so that one species naturally transmuted itself into a higher one at a certain point in time .
3 Until the last ten years most authors thought that solution seam and stylolite formation took place during deep burial diagenesis .
4 The exchange took place during Scottish Question time .
5 My first — secretly arranged — meeting with Harrison Ngau took place over early morning tea .
6 The most controversial change of auditors of the past two years took place at Prudential Corporation .
7 OUR Confirmation took place at Sacred Heart , Howden .
8 When the first 120 miles of the East India Railway were opened from Calcutta to Raniganj in 1855 , the ceremony took place at Burdwan station , a long classical structure 66 miles from Calcutta .
9 Actual railway operations , however , did not begin until 5 January 1904 , when a special train left Oswestry for the ceremony which took place at Porthywaen Station .
10 They lacked the bitterness and sterility of the debates on Party discipline , Communist affiliation and the United Front which took place at subsequent Party Conferences .
11 It 's thought , in fact , that they represent areas where ‘ midocean ’ ridges once formed below the continents , in the late stages of continental rifting , but before an ocean proper had opened ( cf. chapter one ) , so in a sense the kind of volcanic activity that is typical of oceanic areas in fact took place on dry land .
12 General discussion then took place on possible work which the Council members could arrange within the parishes .
13 This myth can be countered in its own terms : first by pointing out that the impressive economic performance of countries like Indonesia and the Philippines , whose per capita incomes have grown by an average of 3.0% a year in the last few decades , took place alongside rapid population growth ; second by showing that Africa 's ten richest countries have similar population growth rates to the continent 's ten poorest countries .
14 Extensive informal consultations then took place among senior party leaders , and on May 29 the CWC unanimously elected as the new party president P. V. Narasimha Rao , 70 , a southerner who had served in cabinets under Indira and Rajiv Gandhi .
15 The beneficial effect of the diets supplemented with polyunsaturated fatty acids was only observed when the acid challenge took place after mild acid irritation , suggesting that the dietary manipulation increased the ability of the mucosa to promote a defensive mechanism against the acid challenge .
16 For most people this introduction took place in early childhood , and the failure is made manifest by the steady disillusionment which , all too often as the years go by and adulthood brings the inevitable struggle of innate common sense to prevail , leaves them either cynical and faithless , or constrained to join some form of sectarian cult .
17 The dominantly clastic ( shales ) and lesser chemical ( carbonates ) deposits in northern Malawi , southern Tanzania and northern Zambia suggest that deposition took place in shallow lake basins which were relatively hydrologically open and in deeper lake basins which were relatively hydrologically closed .
18 The first pilot took place in Central College , Glasgow , during November .
19 Industry became more mechanized , improvements took place in agricultural production techniques , and there were improvements in transport and in the organization of trade and banking .
20 This year the prayer service took place in Blairhill-Dundyvan Parish Church .
21 While the fighting took place in open country , the Legionnaires and Regulares were in their element .
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