Example sentences of "often [been] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Being encouraged to resent what has often been the well-spring of their humanity , they can not grow from the experiences by accepting the inner scars as evidence of their worthy struggle to overcome themselves .
2 Business laid before the full cabinet has often been the subject of previous informal agreement between the Prime Minister and certain colleagues in order that opposition may be outmanoeuvred …
3 Faldo has often been the butt of cruel comments from other US tour pros , who deride his application , attitude and pace of play .
4 In the past she has often been the butt of uncomplimentary remarks herself but this time it is not her performance which should be belittled .
5 The dual division of ecclesiastical power has also been important because the religious orders have often been the vehicle for innovative theologies differing from the Roman line .
6 Of course in the past this has often been the lack of interest which has been shown by district councils , who have tried to ignore the existence of the press .
7 The flaunting of symbols has so often been the occasion for counter-demonstrations and rioting that the government has often banned parades or re-routed them away from particularly sensitive areas .
8 Exchange could also take place on the basis of ideological support , commitment or obligation , as has often been the case between public enterprise unions and social democratic governments .
9 Contrast the situation which pertains when a group of men celebrate the eucharist together , as has often been the case for example in a monastic setting .
10 The whole tenor of such a Christology would be other than what has often been the case in western theology , whereby Christ has been conceived as male ( and white ! ) so that women ( and earlier Blacks ) have seemed to be somehow less like Christ .
11 There are important third parties in some two-party systems ( the Liberal Democrats in Britain , the FDP in Germany , the New Democratic Party in Canada ) , and in federal states there may be considerable differences between the parties which are most prominent in national elections and those which have considerable support at the state or provincial level , as has often been the case in Canada .
12 Herstory is an excellent word , pointing out with wit and elegance that history has too often been the story of men 's lives ; wimmin might be applauded as a useful piece of spelling reform if someone other than feminists had invented it .
13 These criticisms have often been the crux of the public case against land drainage .
14 In the latest episode , rivers and wetlands have often been the field of battle .
15 ‘ Have n't the Jews so often been the victims down the years of people who were looking for demons to bait ? ’ he said .
16 And excessive centralisation had often been the fault of the republics and regions themselves , which had competed for major investments by offering to reduce spending on social requirements .
17 Governments were becoming increasingly unwilling to tolerate many of the ambiguities , compromises and uncertainties which in the fifteenth , sixteenth and even seventeenth centuries had often been the essence of relations between them .
18 For Godwin taught that one should ignore even the most obvious emotions , such as filial piety and gratitude : ‘ Gratitude — a principle which has so often been the theme of the moralist and the poet , is no part of either justice or virtue . ’
19 Where in the authorities difficulty has arisen this has often been the result of the introduction of an issue whether the creditor appointed the debtor as its agent to obtain the signature of the surety to the charge upon which the creditor sought to rely .
20 Nursing agencies have often been the means to re-entry in the past , and they too are having to adapt to new forces at work which for them could represent a consumer boom .
21 It is , of course , precisely the concern with such matters , the concern with ‘ method ’ and the nature of ‘ natural philosophy ’ that has often been the topic of discussion in previous chapters .
22 ‘ The group 's name itself has often been the source of some speculation — especially for writers anxious to pad out biographies for a few extra paragraphs — but the name ‘ Smith ’ has always been significant in the Morrissey hagiography .
23 Pascoe glanced quickly at his navigator who , over the years had often been the source of sound advice .
24 It has often been the haunt of famous cricketers ( the West Indies team has stayed here ) , and the memorabilia of these visits adds an unusual touch to the decoration of the public rooms .
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