Example sentences of "often [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , they are often considered to be so routine that they are taken to be ‘ normal ’ .
2 Spoken discourse is often considered to be less planned and orderly , more open to intervention by the receiver .
3 ( The privately rented sector has low values for a number of reasons : it contains a larger non-married proportion , and the form of stock is often considered to be less suitable for childrearing .
4 Class bias might be expected to be less in the US , where tertiary education is less restricted and social class is often claimed to be less important .
5 This is shown by prices in the " grey market " which are often reported to be so low as to negate all of the gross fees , thus absorbing all of the underwriters ' risk premium .
6 A religious war is often said to be very bitter because the two sides are fighting for something that they both feel is very important .
7 Hopkins appealed to working women in the name of ‘ the common dignity … of our womanhood ’ , but moral responsibility was often seen to be precisely what these women lacked and what middle-class women could give .
8 But when it comes to ensuring that public bodies act reasonably and within their powers , it is often felt to be much less clear how the law ought to be enforced .
9 In general , Beccaria 's philosophy exhibits what could be regarded as a curious combination of concern with the rights of the individual under the social contract on the one hand , and utilitarian reductivism on the other — curious because rights theory and utilitarianism are often thought to be philosophically incompatible .
10 The particular vibrations excited are often found to be closely associated with the electronic transition within whose band the exciting radiation falls , and this can sometimes be useful in assigning electronic transitions .
11 They have generally been found by the chance of fieldwork and aerial reconnaissance and many are awaiting discovery ; when they are studied in detail they are often found to be much larger than thought at first , covering areas , in some cases , of over 100 acres .
12 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
13 For example training in recruitment under the equal opportunity policy has often proved to be more acceptable .
14 These tools have often proved to be too language-specific and have often highlighted our need to re-evaluate concepts of language and communication .
15 Though often believed to be most beneficial for those who wish to give up smoking or to lose weight , hypnotherapy has , in fact , a multitude of uses — ranging from the comparatively minor ( for example , breaking the nail-biting habit ) through dealing with phobias , migraine , pre-menstrual problems and so on , to the severe , such as the physical results of a stroke , the symptoms of multiple sclerosis or some cases of cancer .
16 As a result the market structure very often ceased to be purely competitive , becoming monopolistic or oligopolistic .
17 It thus represents , on the part of the supposedly non-modernist Hardy , a stratagem often taken to be definitively modernist : the use of an ancient fable to structure and resonate with a twentieth-century narrative , as the Odyssey structures and resonates with James Joyce 's Ulysses .
18 In sport , for example , the professional player is often held to be socially inferior , if at the same time technically superior , to the amateur .
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