Example sentences of "money that be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We did decide that we should reduce the money that is received by Councillors , and so they were proposals that were made along with other proposals about reductions in members ' services .
2 Local authorities , too , spend the money that is raised through poll tax .
3 ‘ It is important that we do not use one penny of money that is earmarked for patient care , ’ he added .
4 On overseas aid , the hon. Lady knows that this year we have yet again increased the amount of money that is spent on that .
5 If we judge the commitment to offshore safety by the amount of money that is spent on it , it would be a strong indictment of the level of concern of this House and of the Government .
6 That is an opted out school as against the standard state school , which is subject to the overall policies of the Local Education Authority , and indeed it is funded by the Local Education Authority through a formula , and the amount of money that is put into that formula will obviously affect the amount of money the school has to spend , so it 's providing the same range of education within the National Curriculum , but it is not beholden to the Local Authority — that 's the basic difference .
7 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
8 It is true that we have had to continue to increase the amount of money that is paid by the Government — by the taxpayer — for restructuring the industry , but we will not reach the ceiling either this year or next year .
9 Does not the Minister agree that it will be a travesty if the same formula is used this year and my constituents are therefore robbed of much more money that is needed for health in the area ?
10 On the other hand , there are various time deposits that earn interest in banks , building societies and the National Savings Bank which are used by the public as an alternative means of holding money that is used for expenditure purposes .
11 The amount of time that even ‘ professional ’ long-firm fraudsters spend in prison is remarkably small in relation to the generally large amounts of money that are obtained from such frauds ( Reading 5 , Chapter 5 , taken from Levi 's study , looks at the long-firm fraudster and imprisonment ) .
12 I do not want to make too big an issue of the large sums of money that are spent on taking LTA committee members and officials around the world , travelling in premium class and always staying in the best hotels , although it would seem that it is considerably more than the amount of money actually spent on transporting the competitors themselves .
13 I was told that the money that was threatened for housing associations which was an important element in structure , the government has in fact included it in the forthcoming budget , so that is encouraging , that aspect of it .
14 Directly budgeted money accounted for 71% of the total amount of money that was stated by our sample as being spent on training , money allocated under other wider budgetary headings accounted for 16% , money ‘ indirectly ’ spent accounted for 8% , and ‘ extra funds ’ money for 5% .
15 I mean when I think of all the money that was poured into my education and nobody ever mentioned the kind of decisions one would have to make in the future and the problems you would have in trying to make use both of your education and have children and have the happy family life that our society encourages you to have and that we all perhaps want .
16 My husband to Tunis , our son to Saudi Arabia , the girls to London and I turned my face toward Abu Dhabi and the pains of collecting money that was owed to our business .
17 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
18 And if you live in Faringdon then erm presumably you did n't contribute to the money that was spent by the City Council on the Medley boat station .
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