Example sentences of "fact that he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And the fact that he seemed to accept the failure of his play , which in previous years would have depressed and unnerved him , is further evidence that he was now a more sanguine man .
2 It 's got nothing to do with the fact that he got bent out of shape at an early age and has been shaping laughs out of the kinks ever since .
3 Would the member be covered by the fact that he had followed the exchange 's rules ?
4 On that occasion she had put it down to the letter from Doreen , but now she began to wonder if the real cause of his irritation had stemmed from the fact that he had embraced her .
5 The fact that he had to go is the emotional core of his nationalism .
6 That was probably the most , the in , the most interesting form friendship in there , its fucking good , I went for a job in there , but I could n't I was an apprentice , as I say that , that 's what got me going really was the fact that he had to go down and actually do a design of the and he had to work on the
7 The fact that he had written a large part of it after his marriage led him to think of it as a work quite different from the one he had originally envisaged.It was while engaged on it at Kensington Court Gardens that he added the more tender love scenes which provide its real poetry .
8 Needless to say the revelations made by John Stalker ( 1988 ) were also less than welcome to the service , and all around I heard my contemporaries condemn the fact that he had gone public .
9 Moxon showed few signs of discomfort during his 231-ball innings but his blackened finger afterwards was testimony to the fact that he had played in pain .
10 All the evidence so far pointed to the fact that he had done the killing .
11 You could n't simply ignore the fact that he had sentenced you to death , but it was important to let him know that you were n't rattled .
12 At the Appeal today , Lord Lane said dabbling in heroin is dabbling in potential death , but Clarke , a machinist from Malvern , was not given enough credit for the fact that he had pleaded guilty .
13 I was so over-awed by the fact that he had sought out my company , that I was practically speechless .
14 Richard Hannon is eager for revenge with River Falls and Swing Low and was lamenting the fact that he had instructed Walter Swinburn to hold up Swing Low in the early stages .
15 Passing sentence , the judge said the fact that he had confessed would be a matter to be considered in his favour when consideration was given as to the time of his release back into the community .
16 In addition he accepted an undertaking by the defendent not to reveal other than to his legal advisers the fact that he had made communications to FIMBRA and the Inland Revenue .
17 They were from members of the public drawing his attention to the fact that he had made — to put it politely — a political miscalculation .
18 An officer who worked alongside her for many years interpreted the fact that he had seen her kneeling at the mercy seat more than any other officer as a sign of her close relationship with God and the constant need for the kind of realignment which requires a certain humbling of oneself .
19 Third , the worrying suspicion that amongst the evidence already accumulated , the statements taken , the people interviewed , the personal relationships observed , the obiter dicta , the geography of North Oxford — that amongst all these things somewhere there was a fact that he had seen or heard but never fully recognised or understood .
20 I told her no messages had been sent and suggested that if Uncle was a businessman — I thought it better not to mention that we already knew he was a multi-millionaire businessman — he might naturally tend to be secretive and that he might also be reluctant to broadcast the fact that he had lost his yacht through what might have been his own fault .
21 He requested the judge to give Adams credit for having pleaded guilty , together with the fact that he had lost his job and because his marriage had broken up .
22 The fact that he had agreed to surrender his right to the greater claim — that of the crown of France — in return for concession on the sovereignty issue shows where , in 1360 , Edward III 's priorities lay .
23 Despite the fact that he had drawn a cord between his previous life and the present one , he was not exactly lonely .
24 He was watching her , letting his gaze travel over her , apparently enjoying this provocative exchange and the fact that he had brought a faint blush to her cheeks .
25 Round in 67 , he was irritated only by the fact that he had left it too late to play a postal part in the election .
26 Many commentators believed that he had been nominated because of his self-effacing personality and the fact that he had left no " paper trail " in the form of recorded legal opinions on divisive contemporary issues .
27 His problems in composing this lecture were no doubt compounded by the fact that he had had in the past expressed no great liking for Goethe 's poetry — " I ca n't stand his stuff , " he had once told Ronald Duncan — and in any case he now found public addresses a complete waste of time.Immediately on his return from Germany , he travelled to the United States for a visit of two months .
28 Things were n't helped by the fact that he had remembered , in the course of this not very elevated argument , that it was actually his turn .
29 Despite the fact that he had worked for most of the period of his contract in England , lived in England , was paid in English currency and paid National Insurance contributions in the UK , he was at all times liable to be recalled to Dhaka .
30 The story of this far from illustrious beginning was one Hugo never tired of telling , for the fact that he had started with nothing but raw talent and stubborn determination was something of which he was justifiably proud but he was less forthcoming about what had happened next .
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