Example sentences of "fact that it [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A mathematical system is distinguished by the fact that it seeks to derive a large number of very complex conclusions from a small number of primitive propositions , employing a small number of primitive ideas .
2 It is to be distinguished from the relation of assignment ( below ) , notably because , in qualification , the property of the sub-ordinate element — even where that is an adjective — may not be true of the whole , despite the fact that it helps to identify it .
3 In addition to its value for historical purposes , and the fact that it involves learning through doing , the practice of oral history offers many bonuses in respect of personal and social skills ( especially the skill of learning to listen ) .
4 However , while the fact that it does lead to the possibility of new tests makes an hypothesis worthy of investigation , it will not rank as an improvement on the problematic theory it is designed to replace until it has survived at least some of those tests .
5 Will my right hon. Friend take time to congratulate British industry on the fact that it has achieved record exports in the past quarter , that 27 of the top 50 European companies are British and that Britain exports more of its national product than Japan ?
6 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
7 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
8 I think its financial problems stem from its youth and the fact that it has ploughed whatever money it has back into the charity .
9 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
10 The move is occasioned by the fact that the 1982–3 pool allocations represent a cut in income of about 9 per cent for the polytechnics and as much as 15 per cent for the colleges of higher education , the difference between them being ascribed by the DES to the fact that it has to base its view on cuts on earlier data and the polytechnics have reduced their unit costs more sharply than the colleges in interim years .
11 Even the Tech , which has trumpeted the fact that it has pushed hard for a greater training element , has only been enabl able to include such elements as health and safety , job search , an enhancement of skills relevant to the job that is being done .
12 Banking and dealing room software house Kapiti Ltd reckons that it is reaping the rewards of investment in new product development , and the fact that it has spread itself over a wide geographical area .
13 Determined not to undermine his DEC marketing team 's present offerings , Goodnight makes big beef about the fact that it has sold some 3,500 versions of SAS in the last three months .
14 The interest of Jakobson 's theory , then , is that — apart from the fact that it has had such wide circulation — it shows both the strengths and limitations of the linguistic approach to literature .
15 The fact that it has happened before , or even that the opportunity is always there is something I do n't mention .
16 The system is using it for itself , but you can not run away from the fact that it has helped a lot of women to pursue careers rather than to sit down and nurse babies .
17 ‘ The chance of a lifetime ’ did n't arrive at the most convenient moment for Helen Dobson ( seven months into a new job ) but when it came she grabbed it , in spite of the fact that it has left her biting her nails about future career prospects .
18 The fact that it has won it eight out of ten years is n't registered , only glee that it has been beaten .
19 Harvard has a reputation as the premier medical school in North America , and the fact that it has chosen to introduce sweeping changes in its course is likely to make other schools take stock of what it is doing .
20 Colleagues , the government 's inertia in tackling the crisis in industry stems from the fact that it has convinced itself , if not the general public , that there is no problem .
21 But , despite the fact that it has capitalised on an unproven reputation ever since , it was not so much health which eventually transformed Brighton as royal patronage and high fashion in which the exercises of the spa served largely as a formal excuse for other , equally demanding , pleasures .
22 The problem with the political-business cycle literature lies in the fact that it attempts to deal with the popularity of governments and the nature of public policy-making solely on the basis of a consideration of economic variables alone and so isolates the economic dimension out of the larger political context and ignores the vital part played by non-economic factors in contributing to electoral success .
23 The fact that it aims to provide a systematic account of time use is what distinguishes it from the literary diary .
24 ‘ I like the fact that it 's got a fifth gear , which mine has n't , and it seems so light and airy , with more window area .
25 Easily distinguished from other hybrids by its natural clarity , refreshing purity and the fact that it 's got the word MALVERN written on it in big letters .
26 And the fact that it 's got a B S label means that it 's the , the indigenous one to the U K really .
27 So , the fact that it 's guaranteed that , we 've actually built that in by design which makes it a feature .
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