Example sentences of "fact that it [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 However , the following day , when the floorboards were removed to examine the beam , it was found to be so deeply cracked in two places that they ascribed the fact that it had not given way to a ‘ wonder of [ God 's ] providence ’ .
2 The decline in the position of history in many of our schools is signified by the fact that it failed not only to be ranked as a core subject in the National Curriculum reinstated under the Education Reform Act of 1988 but was struggling hard for its survival on the list of foundation subjects as schools in the early 1990s tried to pour the National Curriculum quart into the school timetable pint pot .
3 It is a beautiful and very moving story , marred only by the fact that it does not bear the remotest resemblance to what actually happens .
4 Here the two sentences are linked because they follow the grammatical pattern , definite article + proper noun + copula + complement , a link whose purely formal nature is revealed by the fact that it does not really survive translation into English , where the definite articles are not needed and an indefinite one is .
5 The strong correlation between characterization and prenominal position , and " occasion " use and postnominal position also falls naturally into place , as well as the fact that it does not amount to a complete correspondence .
6 We shall instead suggest ( 40 ) , where the fact that the arrowhead passes through the square bracket is intended to show that the minor property does not simply qualify the entity as a whole , but the fact that it does not reach as far as the round bracket shows that the adjective is not a sense-qualifier : ( 40 )
7 The nul curriculum exists by reason of the fact that it does not exist — it is what is conveyed by omission , avoidance , bypassing , as well as by ridiculing , criticizing , and putting-down .
8 The fact that it has not happened says a great deal both about the appointments process and the legal profession .
9 Moreover , MDC 's relatively modest housing programme for the initial area , its mixture of public and private provision and the fact that it has not displaced existing residents prevented housing becoming the political minefield for MDC that it was for LDDC .
10 Continuing his tour of crowned heads , Napoleon III went from Stuttgart to Weimar , where he met Franz-Joseph of Austria , but the encounter seems to have been no more than a routine courtesy call between sovereigns and the fact that it did not even take place in Vienna underlined the private nature of the meeting .
11 Its evocative power derived not only from its biblical roots , but also from the fact that it did not evoke clergy or hierarchy but rather the basic equality of all the baptized .
12 In contrast , the government 's two senior legal advisers and the senior partner of a leading firm of society lawyers were so ignorant of this fact that it did not even enter their heads that it would be wise to make some enquiries before launching their client into a statement that could be , and indeed was , ruinous .
13 We opposed various stages of the Bill , regretting the fact that it did not cover consumer safety ; but , on Third Reading , I committed our party at the Dispatch Box — this was just before an election — to honouring the existence of the Office of Fair Trading and the appointment of John Methven as director general .
14 In Laverty [ 1970 ] 3 All ER 432 ( CA ) the reason why the victim bought a stolen car was because he thought the accused was authorised to sell it , not in reliance on the fact that it did not have its original number-plates .
15 The marginality of religion in influencing voting behaviour is reflected in the fact that it did not figure in analyses published in the wake of the 1983 election .
16 The unity of the New Testament , the fact that it contains not every Christology , but only those which were judged to be faithful to the original testimony , reflect the origin of the gospel in the one unique person of Jesus ( Newbigin 1978:176 ) .
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