Example sentences of "fact that [pers pn] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The fact that we had a more open policy over those ten years has actually infiltrated into or irrigated the BBC and ITV , but you will still see a great area of editorial heads , or heads of departments , the equivalents of the commissioning editors , the executive heads , where there are very few women .
2 Well I suppose at the , one of the best things , best examples of the difference was that my wife when she saw this house , knew that it was a house in which she could be happy , in which her tastes and , could spread themselves , erm rather than her tastes having to be curtailed by lack of space and lack of accommodation , erm , the fact that I had a garage which was essential er next to my house instead of some er quarter or twenty minutes ' walk away from where I lived as happened in London also made a terrific difference to comfort , erm the fact that there was a garden instead of a few windowboxes and a couple of tubs , all these things I think made one appreciate the fact that you 'd come , not only into a new town , but into a new way of life probably the fact that we had a staircase inside the house , which was the first time that we 'd had a staircase between our bedrooms and our living rooms
3 The inspector was pleased to receive that , noting the fact that we had a , a drop in our work output but expected that , that would go up in the next year or two .
4 The fact that we had an armed guard lowered no one 's spirits ; made everyone feel a lot more comfortable , including , if they only knew it , the ex-FAKINTIL chief sapper himself .
5 We are very conscious of the fact that we remain a North Western company supported by North Western customers and a North Western staff .
6 But in no way is the fact that we doubt a negative reflection on our faith .
7 Apart from the fact that we made a profit from the Gulf war , may I ask the Minister to say what else was achieved by it , with Saddam Hussein still in power and carrying out his evil acts and with the dictatorship still in power in Kuwait ?
8 And the fact that we have a particular vocabulary of ‘ tutor ’ , ‘ lecturer ’ , ‘ professor ’ and indeed ‘ student ’ is testimony to the particular character of the teacher-learner relationship .
9 The fact that we have a Scottish President combined with the fact that this Division do not hold their dinners every year should guarantee an evening to remember !
10 One of the most important parts of investment is inward investment into this country , which is very much encouraged by our low rates of tax — by our low rates of corporation tax and by the fact that we have a low higher rate of income of tax .
11 Equally important is the fact that we have a Sex Discrimination Act .
12 But at the heart of that issue I you know that specific issue I think is a good example of the of of the problem which I see you facing is that I think it 's more not so much about the noise but about the fact that we have a relatively privileged few people who are enjoying going to these May Balls I mean and enjoying the end of their exams , staying up all night , and I wonder in fact if it 's more a matter of sour grapes rather than environmental health .
13 In the light of the by-election result in Scotland and the fact that we have an opportunity only once a month to put our constituency interests , I appeal to you not to hear frivolous comments from Conservative Members but only real issues that concern Scottish Members of Parliament .
14 Er one mainly being the , the fact that we wanted an overall scheme to cover everybody , including , including a payment for the lowest paid labourer in the shop .
15 The fact that we need a thirty five percent deposit cheque .
16 ‘ The record company is used to dealing with rock and roll , ’ says Nicky , ‘ and the fact that they took a chance reflects really well on them .
17 Are many of our women politicians the little girls who refused to recognise the unwelcome fact that they lacked a penis and , defiantly rebellious , exaggerated their masculinity … ?
18 Comprehensively equipped with electric windows ( one touch up and down for the driver ) , central locking power mirrors and so on , the finish reflects the fact that they take a bit of trouble up in Sunderland .
19 What mattered to Marx and Engels was therefore not so much the specific history which had produced these concepts , but the fact that they had a history at all , that the concepts were dependent on the type of society and economy in which they occurred .
20 Moreover , the fact that they had a stake in the village — a piece of land , an extended family network — on which to fall back tended to retard their involvement in urban protest : they had less motive to endure the risks of industrial action than those whose future lay exclusively in the city .
21 As was the fact that they had a west wing .
22 Trade figures , despite the fact that they show a sustained increase in the volume of exports , tell a particularly sad story of relative decline for a once dominant trading nation .
23 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
24 But an increasing number , typified by the conservative Heritage Foundation , define themselves above all by the fact that they hold a coherent body of ideas , and want to spread them .
25 If deals made by such persons are carried out in ‘ good faith ’ then , notwithstanding the fact that they constitute an offence under the CSA 1985 , the transaction is exempt .
26 There are individuals within organisations who have power by virtue of the fact that they occupy a certain position within the organisational structure .
27 Their delicate character and the fact that they accompanied a woman means that they can hardly be interpreted literally as weapons .
28 It is no exaggeration to say that tomorrow there will be many drivers who owe their continued good health and looks to the fact that they bought an airbag-equipped Honda today .
29 Other than the fact that they provide a satisfactory explanation , there is often no independent test of their truth .
30 If , as the Department of Health survey reveals , most Brits are monogamous , it has less to do with morality than the fact that they believe a sexual partner is someone who helps you change the duvet .
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