Example sentences of "fact that [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Again , a film 's flaws did little irreparable damage to Crawford , who could not be judged simply on his acting performance , but also for the energy and dedication he put into making his character real — and the fact that everyone knew that he was really running to professional standards .
2 In both books we have to read to the very end before we are relieved of the fact that we know that both Imamu and Boo , are genuinely nice people .
3 The increase in complaints may have something to do with the fact that we believe that it is important that if someone has not received the care to which he thinks he is entitled from the NHS , his right to complain should not be a well-kept secret , as has too often happened in the past .
4 We will outside the erm the supporting it if it was n't for the fact that we understand that the officers would have a great deal of difficulty spending that money .
5 The fact that we recognise that different people in the health service will produce different answers to the same questions is manifest in the fact that different health authorities will reach different conclusions , based on their assessment of the health needs of their resident populations and of their local priorities ..
6 So whether the fact that they thought that she was a witch was maybe kind of half an excuse just for getting her out of the house I do n't know .
7 A lot of the time , the fact that they know that you 're doing it , stops them .
8 The misleadingly alarming appearance of our conclusions results from the fact that they show that where conformity is called for it is based only some of the time , and less often than is often imagined , on the legitimate authority of the government , and often on other considerations .
9 Chairman , er I do n't want to prolong the debate because as I 've mentioned before there is indicated support from a number of people er but I 'm grateful er to the Liberals in the fact that they feel that they are in a position to support this amendment .
10 What bothered me mo well wha one of the things that bothers me is the fact that he said that he would n't like to do hospital chaplaincy because he would n't like to go visiting because he 's got no small talk .
11 I found the fact that he made that record much more affecting than , say , Highway 67 Revisited .
12 The importance of the decision lies in the fact that it indicated that natural justice applied to all decisions affecting a person 's rights irrespective of the form of the decision-making process or the nature of the body entrusted with the decision .
13 In addition he has stressed the crankish nature of many of its supporters and the fact that it drew that support from only a very small section of the working class — even though they may have formed a significant proportion of the BUF 's small membership of between 5,000 and 40,000 members throughout the 1930s .
14 Then , in the early part of this century , the quantum theory appeared ; its details need not concern us except for the fact that it implied that all forms of matter and energy came in tiny discrete packages called quanta ( by ‘ discrete ’ is meant that you can not have half a quantum ) .
15 Of even greater importance is the fact that it seems that many of the Roman estates , the holdings belonging to villas and towns , continued into the post-Roman period and beyond to emerge as the basic administrative units of late Saxon and medieval England .
16 round the fact that I hope that the auditor is n't gon na try and isn pretend that we had that for all last year .
17 Your Royal Highness , it is , it is , it is interesting that when I attended the Annual General Meeting last year of the Boats Organization , the fact that I said that yachtsmen was a Con Conservation Body as well surprised them and since that time we have having collaboration with them er more and more and this is to be welcomed because we all want to sail in nice surroundings .
18 I have never made any secret of the fact that I believe that the future of Monktonhall lies in British Coal working the pit and we have said that from the start .
19 And the fact that I say that a lot of these accidents happen because perhaps you 're not paying the attention , very often I 've been or know of situations where the bloke is really paying attention to what he 's doing and the still the unfortunate occurs .
20 Of course , the fact that you discover that you have lived before at all is exciting in itself , particularly if you are able to remember details which can later be corroborated .
21 The fact that you realise that it is out of his area of interest but may be useful to him personally should be made clear in the covering note that goes with the sample .
22 Despite the fact that she knew that it was pointless , Fran began to struggle , pride and a fierce determination not to give in making her twist and turn in his hold .
23 Even the fact that she suggested that they get married shows that she was living in a fantasy world .
24 It is not the fact that as soon as she arrives she wants a drink which makes her alcoholic , it is the fact that she pretends that she has n't already had one by replacing ‘ the bottle ’ and by washing ‘ out the tumbler at the sink ’ .
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