Example sentences of "women 's [conj] [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 round neck , long sleeve top and long johns , women 's and men 's designs available .
2 Figes ( 1972 ) uncritically takes Kohlberg 's description of the highest stage of moral judgements , derived from male samples , as a guide to women 's and men 's psychological liberation .
3 And what about black women 's and men 's specific experiences of gender ?
4 But they seem to conclude from women 's and men 's different areas of ego investment that the gender-divided methodologies used to discover this should be perpetuated .
5 This lack of gender specificity in sex-role self-rating , and women 's and men 's similar scores , suggests that it is important to measure femininity and masculinity self-ratings in both sexes .
6 These models suggest that women 's and men 's subjectivities stem from female and male animals , universally different interests , in protecting their genetic investments and spreading their genes widely , respectively .
7 Feminist socialization theories explain even the most apparently natural aspects of women 's and men 's subjectivity as learned .
8 Many academic feminist psychologists emphasize women 's and men 's common biological natures , and want the understanding of this to spread to men , instead of being concentrated in women , as at present ( e.g. Bardwick 1972 , Baumrind 1982 ) .
9 Henley analyses women 's and men 's different patterns of touch as an expression of gender power relations , as well as of general human intimacy .
10 Rowbotham ( 1973 ) suggests that women 's and men 's psychology contains a basic humanity that , however distorted , is valuable , and needs to be freed .
11 Lakoff ( 1975 ) mentions cultural similarities in patterns of women 's and men 's language use , and proposes that feminists should learn from the black consciousness movement 's pride in Black English , but she does not extend this awareness into an analysis of differences within women 's and men 's languages .
12 Lakoff ( 1975 ) mentions cultural similarities in patterns of women 's and men 's language use , and proposes that feminists should learn from the black consciousness movement 's pride in Black English , but she does not extend this awareness into an analysis of differences within women 's and men 's languages .
13 Third , because women 's and men 's lives are organized very differently in our society as a whole , women seem to be more available to provide any assistance which involves input of time and domestic labour .
14 It must also be recognised that ‘ housing need ’ will vary at different periods of women 's and men 's lives .
15 The project will also examine the responses of these two groups to heterosexual relationships and their roles in relationships and will look at responses to feminism and other challenges to the traditional conceptions of women 's and men 's different social positions .
16 Talented trendspotters in Oxfam 's 27,000-strong shop volunteer-force have been amassing stocks of women 's and men 's wear to meet demand .
17 Anne Gibson and Jim Mailer , who won the respective women 's and men 's national titles earlier this month , spearhead Scotland 's challenge at the All England , and they will be backed up by Gillian Martin , Kevin Scott , Bruce Flockhart , and Gordon and Jillian Haldane .
18 Reductions on men 's , women 's and children 's clothes but not on skiwear .
19 Butterworth is a regional tertiary care hospital as well as a women 's and children 's centre in Grand Rapids , Michigan .
20 Phil Barrett , directorate manager of women 's and children 's health at Warrington District General Hospital , said people 's generosity meant that nearly 100pc of the special baby care unit 's equipment was donated .
21 Nursery provision would also play an important part in women 's and children 's lives .
22 The Women 's and Minors ' Section at the Ministry of Labour employs a staff of five .
23 For instance , it has no brief to propose a change in the law to give women wage parity in agricultural work because , as the Director of the Women 's Office explained , that was the responsibility of the Women 's and Minors ' Section of the Ministry of Labour .
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