Example sentences of "women who [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Surely there could n't be other women who delighted in such anguish .
2 This level of activity stands in marked contrast to that of the very few working class women who qualified under local government franchises ( although increasing numbers became Guardians after 1894 , when the property qualification was abolished ) , who squeezed in two or three hours Poor Law work on a Saturday between household chores .
3 Many of them pass it on to their wives ; 1% of the women who came for pre-natal tests at the hospital were HIV-positive .
4 Women who engaged in charitable work tended to confine themselves to particular activities ; principally fund raising , and visiting the homes of the poor and institutions .
5 The majority of middle class women who engaged in philanthropic work , volunteering their services to tend the sick and children in institutions , and to visit the homes of the poor , were not feminists , though they too stressed the unique contribution that women could make by virtue of their particular qualities of caring and sympathy .
6 For instance , in British women who married before the age of 20 , the proportion of marriages that ended in divorce has been approximately double that of the marriages of women who married between 20 and 24 ( Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1978 ) .
7 Of the women who admitted to New Woman magazine that they had slept with another man about 80 per cent said they 'd done it because they were unhappy in their current relationship .
8 OTHERWISE healthy women who suffer from swollen lymph nodes in their armpits may find their deodorant is to blame .
9 Women who suffer from this condition notice that after sex , they often get unpleasant symptoms of pain and ‘ burning ’ when urinating ( passing water ) .
10 Women who suffer from painful periods should consider giving up coffee altogether , because it constricts the blood vessels in the body and makes their cramps worse .
11 Women who go into spontaneous labour before their estimated date of delivery are fortunate as the risks to both mother and baby have been shown to increase as ‘ term progresses . ’
12 Women who adhere to this go for the tailored suit and no-nonsense haircut routine .
13 Many women who moved into occasional prostitution through economic necessity had probably already had previous sexual experience , and for many the distinction between occasional sex with a young wooer and clandestine prostitution may have remained fluid .
14 However , none of them is likely to affect those workers who fall outside of collective agreements ; the contract workers and the many women who work for small manufacturing or service sector employers .
15 A Health and Safety Executive survey of 450 pregnant women has found that the risk of miscarriage is not increased for women who work with visual display units .
16 They have removed the right of women who work in small firms to return to work after childbirth and , by changing the law , they have blocked the right of married women on employment training to claim child-care .
17 Another tactic for making the music palatable is to seek out women who work in these boys-own genres .
18 Women who approximate to this still have lovers , but the further you move away from ‘ beauty ’ , the more inaccessible sex becomes .
19 The eventual pensions received by women who participated in these inter-war schemes would have reflected their low and unequal pay as well as conditions of service which typically required women to retire much earlier than men , especially in private sector employment .
20 From the analysis we do not know the proportion of pregnant women who participated in this form of screening , but it seems that around 48% of cases might be detected if triple screening was universal .
21 It is rare that an ordinary man like myself encounters women who look like this , other than on celluloid .
22 Among the different groups now contending for influence , the most important are the democratic reformers , the men and women who stood in recent local elections on platforms that broadly advocated multi-party politics and bolder economic change .
23 Of women who separated between 1970 and 1974 before the age of 35 , nearly one-quarter had remarried within three years , while just over half had remarried within six years .
24 Men were ‘ distinguished ’ at forty ; it was only women who turned into old bags .
25 Well one of the aspects that I have been looking at is erm the impact of technical change on women 's position in the rural areas , and particularly as it concerns women who belong to landless households , or women who belong to small peasant cultivator households .
26 Well one of the aspects that I have been looking at is erm the impact of technical change on women 's position in the rural areas , and particularly as it concerns women who belong to landless households , or women who belong to small peasant cultivator households .
27 National health insurance statistics , which recorded the health experience of the small proportion of married women who worked in insurable occupations , also indicated that the health of married working class women left much to be desired .
28 Seven years later , many of the men and women who emerged in 1978 to express such vocal opposition to the Shah cited Persepolis as one intolerable example of Pahlavi excess .
29 Method A assumes that women who leave in any one year will produce a×b children a year thereafter , where a=average number of children born in Seascale per year and b=the migration rate .
30 There were others as well : Robert Green , the nephew of horticulturalist Hilda Murrell , who was murdered in suspicious circumstances during the Sizewell inquiry ; Ron Preddy , a registered disabled man who gradually developed the confidence to speak out ; May Morris , one of many women who spoke with convincing honesty about their personal fears and beliefs .
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