Example sentences of "given [noun sg] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And indeed , Tarpy and McIntosh ( 1977 ) , using a procedure likely to be more sensitive ( involving , among other things , a weaker US and prolonged testing ) , were able to demonstrate substantial latent inhibition in rats given exposure to a variety of flavours before conditioning .
2 AFTER a week mulling over Budget proposals for offshore tax reform , British Petroleum has given support to the Chancellor 's moves to encourage more efficient oil and gas production .
3 Similarly , the prevention of further episodes of self-poisoning or self-injury continues to be a problem , and while retrospective investigations have given support to the policy of psychiatric intervention , prospective studies have failed to demonstrate any effect on repetition rates .
4 With several modifications , such varied anthropologists as D. Forde [ 1948 ] , M. Fortes ] 1953 ] , and M. Sahlins [ 1961 ] have given support to the view that segmentary systems , the modern anthropological equivalent of Morgan 's ‘ gentile systems ’ , seem to occur in societies with similar technologies and they are by and large of the type postulated in The Origin .
5 I am afraid that by taking the extraordinary measure of stapling this report ‘ because some of the contents are so disturbing ’ , Amnesty has again given credence to the belief that recent torture in Kuwait has been more terrible than in any other part of the world , whereas the repugnant patterns of pain-infliction described are all too familiar from Iran , from Myanmar , Amin 's Uganda , a South America , South Africa etc .
6 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
7 His wrong-headedness resided in his failure to recognize that the attitudes and expenditures of which he made so much fun were merely symbols of achievement , the kind of achievement which has in fact given rise to every civilization and marked stages in the development of each one .
8 These financial and moral concerns have given rise to a change in policy , which has led to the Child Support Act due to be implemented fully by April 1993 .
9 The closing of the launderette had given rise to a case in the County Court , in which Edward and she had been held not to blame , but had been conscious of the contempt of their solicitor , who always seemed to be in a great hurry .
10 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
11 Then , reluctantly , she made her way home , a home in which , in some extraordinary way , the advent of one small baby appeared to have given rise to a revolution .
12 A desire for more effective drugs with fewer side effects , combined with an increasing knowledge of the molecular basis of treatment , has given rise to a clutch of new companies developing ‘ handed ’ molecules .
13 On the other hand , there are cases in which the existence of an alternative remedy seems not to have given rise to a discretion to refuse a remedy but to have operated as an absolute bar to the award of a judicial remedy .
14 It is difficult to see how such chaotic initial conditions could have given rise to a universe that is so smooth and regular on a large scale as ours is today .
15 Thus there must have been initial configurations that would not have given rise to a universe like the one we see today .
16 The system has found itself in dire need of a new way of legitimating itself , and this need has given rise to a variety of responses .
17 Prevalence of krill in summer surface waters has given rise to a misconception that krill and other euphausiids constantly dominate the zooplankton .
18 The nature of the succession and structure of the rocks there had given rise to a controversy , dating from about 1860 , between Murchison and Professor Nicol of Aberdeen .
19 It is the unfinished nature of those parts dealing with the schemas of reproduction that has given rise to a number of controversies regarding the interpretation of them .
20 The question of who Bartle was has given rise to a number of theories and , as with most traditions , fact and fiction , legend and folklore have become inextricably intertwined .
21 The bi-centenary of the death of John Howard in 1990 has given rise to a number of commemorative events in varying parts of the world , of which this book is one .
22 The civil disturbances had given rise to a number of population movements within the urban area , with the result that many randomly selected households were burnt down , boarded up , or derelict .
23 The ‘ spiritual sense ’ view of faith has given rise to a form of spiritual elitism in which the believer welcomes a position in which he or she has no common ground with the unbeliever , and thereby turns the sort of dismissive ‘ religious language is nonsense ’ approach of Ayer into a welcome acceptance of the divide between men and women of reason on the one hand , and those with faith on the other .
24 However , in the absence of such a disclaimer the circumstances would have given rise to a duty of care .
25 The clash between Kuhn 's views , on the one hand , and those of Lakatos , and also Popper , on the other , has given rise to a debate concerning two contrasting positions associated with the terms ‘ rationalism ’ and ’ relativism ’ respectively .
26 Kolchinsky 's pedantic approach towards the expense accounts had given rise to a joke amongst the field operatives that it would be better to lose a life than a chit .
27 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
28 ‘ It just grew and grew , ’ Alan grinned as he talked about the development of the book , ‘ I soon realised that a circular including anecdotes to keep former members in touch was not possible , we had given rise to a book ! ’
29 This humiliation has given rise to an array of bitter jokes , reversing the official slogans from the Maoist past .
30 The range of policies needed to counter the root causes that have given rise to the underclass and keep it firmly in place at the bottom of the social hierarchy are examined in Part IV .
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