Example sentences of "know what it is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If one can notice the absence of something one must already know what it is for things to be absent .
2 It 's been very hard for years , and now , to be back here , you do n't know what it is for me .
3 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
4 ‘ I do n't know what it is with me and my left foot …
5 ‘ I do n't know what it is about dolphins , ’ said the leading lady of the entertainment show Give Us A Clue , ‘ but you just feel that they understand what you are going on about .
6 ‘ I do n't know what it is about the ‘ 68 but as a Fender Jag it 's got a real thin sound .
7 At least — at least — I do n't know what it is about you , Miss Abbott , but you make me want to bare my soul to you — I did have a wife once , years ago , when I was very young , but she left me , not I her , to live with someone else .
8 I do n't know what it is about this study … sort of phoney .
9 I do n't know what it is about it , but I find I have the urge to sit here and enjoy it .
10 talk about , I do n't know what it is about her I do n't like her , very often I sort of she , to me she 's sarcastic , the way , the way she 's talking to you there 's sarcasm there all the time , you know , like
11 We do not yet know what it is in a homoeopathic potency that has a curative action , nor do we know how homoeopathic remedies work in the body any more than we know the mechanisms of action of many of the conventional drugs used in medicine .
12 We do n't know what it is in the vegetables and fruit that is so beneficial , ’ explains Professor James , ‘ but there are several theories .
13 BS is supposed to have complete scientific knowledge of V and his physical environment when V sees : yet BS does not know what it is like for V to see , what colours look like , etcetera .
14 People like Niall , like Michael Morrissey , who do know what it is like to be poor and shat on , the bottom of the whole U.K. heap , they know I 'm nothing when they set eyes on me .
15 The pity is that they are missing so much ; for instance , they will never know what it is like to fish a small stream , or any river except perhaps a sluggish canal-like one .
16 I do not truly know what it is like to have a child with Down 's Syndrome ’ ( Cunningham 1982 : 16 ) .
17 Anyone who has been to watch the Ryder Cup at The Belfry will know what it is like to be in a large crowd when there are only four matches on the course .
18 Even if he 's your husband he can not go through the pain you went through and so can not know what it is like .
19 Buddleia , same time as you planted the Buddleia , you planted this other thing , we do n't quite know what it is against the fence , and it kept sticking out when we played ball , do you remember ?
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