Example sentences of "quite [adv] [vb pp] that the " in BNC.

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1 Now the movers of the motion from Lancashire quite rightly identified that the major issues that should be concerning Labour MPs and particularly sponsored MPs are issues like unemployment , the National Health Service , and local services .
2 However , my predecessor , Bishop John Bickersteth , who for many years had been an advocate for issues of conservation , quite rightly protested that the Archbishop was saying no more than the biblical tradition states !
3 An even more spectacular reversal occurred as recently as the day following the inauguration of President Clinton when Mr F Pena , the incoming US Transportation Secretary , quite unashamedly declared that the US ‘ can not give away valuable rights … without equivalent benefits for US carriers . ’
4 Secondly , whilst Thatcherite thinking warmed to the free and open market aspect of the 1992 programme , EC Commission President Jacques Delors has quite correctly emphasized that the SEA also has a social dimension .
5 Somebody quite disgracefully suggested that the amendment was just a fictitious fig leaf which was designed to cover the cracks in the Labour party !
6 I wonder if any of your readers noticed in The Times of 10 March how Lord Armstrong of Ilminster of the Victoria and Albert Museum 's Trustees , quite casually assumed that the independence of our national museums had already been similarly compromised ?
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