Example sentences of "group ['s] [noun pl] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Attempts by Temple to have the plan and purchases of SeaCo shares by the group 's subsidiaries ruled illegal have so far failed in the Bermudan courts .
2 CUSSONS toiletries group Paterson Zochonis reported yesterday that sales of the Imperial Leather brand held up in the UK despite the recession , but the group 's products saw strongest growth overseas .
3 Being neurophysiologists rather than biochemists , the research group 's efforts to answer this question began with the electrical properties of the cells — that is , my sixth criterion .
4 The group 's activities include several half-day seminar meetings , a one-day research workshop and a two-day residential Conference .
5 Conversely , most of the group 's competitors offer modular software that has to processed in batch , generally overnight .
6 The group 's shares fell 5.6 per cent after it announced a revised estimated cost for the Channel tunnel project .
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