Example sentences of "rather [subord] [prep] [det] of " in BNC.

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1 On June 5 Martens announced further details of the reforms which were to include : ( i ) the demilitarization of the gendarmerie which would in future report to the Ministry of Interior rather than to that of Defence ; ( ii ) a 10-year service limit for senior positions throughout the three branches of the security services ( the communal police , investigative police and the paramilitary gendarmerie ) ; and ( iii ) improved co-operation and co-ordination between the security services and town councils .
2 Most choose to go to residential homes rather than to those of their children .
3 In September 1990 the Central Bank announced the introduction with effect from Oct. 1 of a new exchange-rate policy under which the escudo would be linked to a basket of five European currencies ( German , Spanish , French , UK and Italian ) rather than to those of 13 major trading partners as previously .
4 However , restrictions are placed on the power of management to combat a hostile takeover bid , for fear that they might act only in their own interests rather than for those of the company or its shareholders .
5 The other source of inspiration — and indeed guidance — for the research was an experiment by William Hayward and his colleagues at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York ( Nature , vol 290 , p 475 ) , Their work on a virus-induced lymphoma of birds inspired the researchers to look specifically for the myc gene — rather than for any of the 13 other known proto-oncogenes .
6 In trying to establish whether or not the directive correctly reflects right reason the subjects will be relying on their own judgments rather than on that of the authority , which , we are assuming , is more reliable .
7 It would be harsh to rule 3 out just because the argument demands that only justified beliefs can justify others ; if we can give a reasonable sense to the notion of a belief standing on its own feet , as it were , rather than on those of others , we could easily see 3 as a special case of 2 .
8 The intention was , firstly , to devise a service which was client-centred , which was sufficiently flexible to provide an individually tailored package of care which would meet the wishes of each client , and fit in with his or her timetable rather than with that of the service-providers .
9 The education and training White Paper confirmed plans announced on March 21 to bring further education and sixth-form colleges under central government control rather than under that of local education authorities .
10 As we have seen , it is all too easy for institutions to be governed by means-end purposive models of rationality , rather than by those of communicative discourse .
11 In its majority opinion the Court found that " the mere existence of a generalized political " motive to the coercion was inadequate to qualify someone for protection under the 1980 Act , and that the law required the persecution to be motivated by the opinions of the victim rather than by those of the persecutor .
12 It might be fair to say that the paintings Picasso executed during the following eighteen or so months tend to look like all tribal art , an indication that he was ultimately interested and immersed in its spirit and its formal principles rather than in any of its individual manifestations .
13 The memorandum specified that the employment of young people should be primarily considered ‘ from the point of view of their educational interests and permanent careers rather than from that of their immediate earning capacities ’ , and consequently LEAs were urged to undertake their new responsibilities and to exercise them ‘ in the fullest co-operation with the national system of Labour exchanges ’ .
14 It seems logical therefore that to evoke " making " ( i.e. producing an effect ) from the point of view of the patient acted upon rather than from that of the agent acting is to evoke the effect produced on the patient rather than the producing of the effect on the latter by the agent .
15 Although it is usually true that if the interests of the covenantee and the covenantor are satisfied then so is the public interest , it is important to realise that in some cases the courts have chosen to examine the restraint primarily from the point of view of the public interest rather than from that of the parties .
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