Example sentences of "rather [subord] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than carry on with such negative action , John and Colin decided to do something more constructive and let the general public know just what their activities involved .
2 Time is a great healer so , rather than press on with a manoeuvre that is repeatedly failing , leave it for a while and come back to it later .
3 The alleged undesirable consequences of the introduction of a contingency fee scheme would include an open invitation to unprofessional conduct , a tendency for lawyers to refuse to take on weaker cases , and increased pressure to accept an early settlement ( when actual costs will have been relatively low ) rather than press on to trial and incur the heavy costs involved .
4 In today 's economic climate of high interest rates and a virtually static housing market , it makes more sense to maintain and improve your existing home rather than move on to something bigger and better .
5 Nirvana , like eternal life in the teaching of Jesus , can be attained in this life , as it was in the case of the Buddha who consented to stay on in this world for the sake of men , rather than move on at once to Para-nirvana , the final and highest heaven .
6 When she did finally reach for the food , or lure , all she would do was lean over and rip off a piece , rather than step on to the glove .
7 It could be ‘ neo-Stalinism ’ ( refusing to say Russia was a capitalist country ) ; ‘ Pabloite revisionism ’ ( deciding to join the Labour Party secretly ) ; ‘ tailism ’ ( waiting for trade unions to organize strikes rather than getting on with it yourself ) ; ‘ liquidationism ’ ( dissolving the sect into a larger movement , hoping that its ideas will catch on ) ; ‘ parliamentary cretinism ’ ( advising people to vote Labour ) ; ‘ stageism ’ ( not demanding everything at once ) ; or even ‘ centreism ’ ( expressing a liking for Tony Benn ) .
8 ‘ I do n't mind lobbyists , I 'd just rather they called themselves by their proper name as they do in Washington , rather than wittering on for hours about relationships with opinion-formers .
9 She parked outside the high brick wall rather than driving on to the forecourt , and as if he sensed her reluctance to enter the house again he did n't attempt to invite her inside — but neither did he make any attempt to get out of the car , and they sat in silence in the light from an overhead street-lamp .
10 I wanted to put that in , rather than going on about the deprivation and the tragedy of divorce and broken families . ’
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