Example sentences of "rather [conj] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , independent single-employer ( rather than association ) bargaining meant that US firms could still continue to deal with their own employees — even if they were now organised into trade unions — rather than be faced with an external trade union body against which they had fought for so long ( Sisson , 1984 ) .
2 The concept of ‘ manliness , of course was derived from public-school culture , which also inspired Smith to bind ‘ the boys together and create an esprit de corps that would make them proud of their company , jealous of its honour , ashamed to do anything to disgrace it , and prepared to make any sacrifice rather than be dismissed from it ’ .
3 Paul Newman and Robert Redford might now be right for the roles of a pair of outlaws on their last legs who flee to Bolivia to find that civilisation and its increased firepower are after them there as well , but in 1968 they were more an emblem of defiant youth and , rather than be riddled with bullets , they go out with a freeze-to-sepia and some plunky Burt Bacharach music .
4 Issues relating to the counsellor 's own personal and family life will need to have been processed thoroughly because counselling other people has to be impartial ( rather than be affected by issues in the counsellor 's own personal life ) and because the counsellor himself or herself may become unsettled when an issued being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor 's personal experience .
5 Pressure-group activity , therefore , tended to occur on an ad hoc issue basis rather than be based on a system of permanently structured relationships .
6 But rather than be diverted by the red herring of whether or not such a category should exist or by the tricky question of how love should be expressed outwith marriage , let us not look for the borderline .
7 Also , I believe most students prefer to be introduced to new ideas which they can explore for themselves with a sense of adventure , rather than be led on a Cook 's Tour with every fact and statistic recited .
8 Within a moment of her arrival St Ives put on the rimless spectacles he detested , though usually he preferred to squint blindly down at the book rather than be seen in them .
9 The minimal structural nature of these ‘ welfare states ’ can be seen to have arisen out of their regime 's policies rather than be created by them .
10 Resources may be organised to support the family as a whole , rather than be geared to the needs of the individual .
11 The improvements would enabled users of the system to place orders whenever they wished rather than be bound by the 24-hour batched system currently in operation .
12 She can use the enchantment , rather than be overcome by it , because a critical , rational , intelligent , witty part of herself retains its distance .
13 The rule 's important , but it should come from a need of the child rather than be imposed at some arbitrary time when the teacher thinks that all the children are ready for that rule .
14 The Party had adopted the principle of complete control over its Parliamentary spokesmen , but the stage had been reached where the MPs were prepared to re-enter the Labour Party rather than be instructed on their actions .
15 The teachers are forced to cancel the 800 metres when the other competitors all withdraw rather than be humiliated by being beaten by me and my Mum is moved to tears of joy and pride as I win the 4 × 100 metres relay race on my own .
16 This is something that must be discussed with the client rather than be dealt with in correspondence .
17 In that case , the electorate might well prefer to be Red and live to fight another day rather than be consigned to a nuclear crematorium .
18 They , too , formed a housing co-op rather than be dispersed to the outer edges in identikit " corpy " houses .
19 Benny swallowed the barley sugar rather than be accused of eating sweets in the public view , and let herself in the back .
20 But rather than be accused of overstating my case , I will leave the figure at somewhere between 550 and 1,000 .
21 If we lose our grip on this , if it gets away from us , we 'll be very unhappy , very embarrassed , and very much in debt to all sorts of people we prefer to control rather than be controlled by .
22 In contrast , the concept of education has normative overtones and we think of the processes of education as being of value apart from its instrumental use , that is education is seen as being concerned with the development of autonomous individuals who are able to adapt and influence their circumstances rather than be constrained by specific roles ( Stephens 1988 ) .
23 The Home Support Project was both an action project ( to provide a service for elderly people with dementia which would help those who wished to remain at home rather than be admitted to an institution ) and a research project ( to evaluate the success of the action project ) .
24 Household waste should be incinerated to generate electricity and provide heat , rather than be dumped in landfill sites , argues a report by Britain 's Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution .
25 Gabriel fixed his gaze on the cloud pageants overhead or on Adam or on Lucifer or on God , rather than be distracted by the restless crowd .
26 She is involved in the production of videos to help families reflect on the impact of television on family life , and how to manage TV rather than be managed by it .
27 Proust took the view that writers should be judged by their works alone , rather than be interpreted through biography .
28 However , such hypotheses are expected to emerge from the research as it goes along , rather than be specified from the start and used as a guide to the kind of data that is sought and collected .
29 the extent to which the teams would be able to preserve space for development work rather than be drawn into a crisis oriented casework load ;
30 Informed on by the Spanish police , he committed suicide rather than be captured by the Gestapo , by taking an overdose of morphine .
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