Example sentences of "rather [conj] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The commitment to fund a rolling programme in County Durham is also very good news as this will enable us to plan ahead over a three-year period rather than on a year to year basis as has been the case .
2 Prices were lagging behind in the mid to late Eighties , rising in sympathy rather than on a burst of serious investment buying .
3 ‘ The misery of unemployment or of repossession is all the more stark for seeing it written in a face rather than on a page .
4 If something unexpected happens during an inner journey — perhaps one of your guides will appear when you were expecting your inner child , or you find yourself in a cave rather than on a riverbank — go with your own experience .
5 Garg and Gotlieb have developed a method that is related to interpolation searching , and in which the algorithm is based on an analysis of the key sequence , rather than on a presupposition such as the effectiveness of any particular procedure — say mid-square or division .
6 A functional is a quantity or function which depends upon the entire course of one or more functions rather than on a number of discrete variables .
7 At minimum heat and in a heavy well-closed pot stood on the floor of the oven rather than on a shelf , the timing would be however just about right .
8 The document proposes that each member of a partnership be assessed personally on their share of the partnership profits , rather than on an assessment on the firm for which all are jointly and severally liable .
9 Money therefore tends to extend a concept of equality , in so far as the perception of inequality becomes based upon differences in the possession of money , rather than on an essentialist notion of intrinsic differences in persons .
10 On the contrary , by trying to re-create on specific occasions particular events associated with Osiris thought was concentrated on the present rather than on the past .
11 Diana Gittins has concluded that couples whose worlds increasingly centred on the home , rather than on the culture of the workplace or on the spouses ' respective circles of friends , most frequently achieved their ideal family size .
12 The start of the last play was delayed as ‘ Jesus ’ had elected to travel in his own car rather than on the lorry , and he became entangled in the mysteries of the town 's traffic system .
13 The majority view was that Britain was and would remain a great power , giving the world leadership based on her experience over the centuries rather than on the depth of her pocket .
14 But if interference effects do indeed operate at retrieval rather than on the formation of the CS-US association , it should be possible to show that an apparently weak association formed after conditioning with a pre-exposed stimulus can be revealed as being perfectly strong in appropriate conditions of testing .
15 Those who have espoused the notion of retrieval failure have not usually been much concerned with specifying what it is that is learned during pre-exposure ; rather , their experiments have been designed to show that , whatever the source on interference may be , it acts at retrieval rather than on the formation of the CS-US association .
16 This technology , which concentrates on the task to be done , rather than on the shape of the organisation doing it , can revolutionise organisations ' approach to everything they do .
17 Arms races are run in evolutionary time , rather than on the timescale of individual lifetimes .
18 Prottas , 1979:155 ) , and they dissent from the implication that pollution control can be done in an office , rather than on the river bank , talking to polluters and doing ‘ real pollution control work ’ .
19 Hughes advocated the use of low potencies prescribed on pathological grounds rather than on the patient 's general symptom picture .
20 Regulations now in force put health and safety duties on the original supplier of equipment that is leased for use at work , rather than on the lessor ( p 114 ) .
21 Regulations , which are now in force , put health and safety duties on the original supplier of equipment which is leased for use at work , rather than on the lessor ( SI 1992/1524 , £1.05 ) .
22 This is caused by : homogeneity of task , ie lack of variety emotions caused by frustration or discouragement a rate of learning which is too fast or too slow Fatigue may reduce the effort the student is putting into learning or he may fix his attention on particular elements of the work to be learned rather than on the work as a whole .
23 As with any automatic system , it is the unusual situation which can cause a problem , and here the problem is that most AF systems tend to focus on the cage bars in the foreground rather than on the animal lurking behind them — or the focus may hunt nervously from one to the other .
24 … evidence of discrimination was primarily on the basis of type of household and the marital status of the carer rather than on the gender of the carer …
25 It was natural , therefore , that when the ancestors of plaice and sole took to the sea bottom , they should have lain on one side rather than on the belly like the ancestors of skates and rays .
26 There were few strikes and in Parliament Labour 's opposition was usually focused more on the ‘ giveaway ’ price at which shares were sold rather than on the principle of privatization .
27 However , although the Education Act 1981 shifted the emphasis in education from handicap to special educational need , based on assessment of curriculum requirement rather than on the child 's disability , there has been little progress in the integration of the handicapped in education .
28 In the autumn of 1986 , when Saxton and Bampfylde abandoned their previous employers , they had already prepared their future strategy : to work with only a selected and comparatively small number of clients in certain market sectors only , with an emphasis on finding the people needed to satisfy a client 's strategic needs rather than on the level of appointment .
29 To my great surprise , people focused attention on the control fertilisation rather than on the core of my work : fertilisation in elderly women .
30 Although the main emphasis of the book is , as I have said , on the process of coping , rather than on the content of what needs to be coped with , nonetheless the discussion will look somewhat abstract if we do not place it within the context of the Education Reform Act and the other present or imminent changes that are around .
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