Example sentences of "rather [conj] [verb] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 The importance of citizenship lay in the individual ‘ giving ’ to his city , rather than taking from it .
2 But of all of these , Integrated Pollution Control is the only significant measure aimed at preventing pollution at source rather than dealing with it once it has reached the environment .
3 This is fighting pain rather than dealing with it .
4 Mira , it seems , is walking in the landscape rather than looking at it from a height :
5 This may be faster but it leads to a kicking action that tends to collide with the opponent 's leading knee rather than pass over it .
6 When I came to think about it , it struck me that almost all the aspects of my eidesis that The Fat Controller played upon had preceded his intervention , rather than followed from it .
7 By its nature , metaphysics almost never provides us with certainties ; so rather than bother with it , most people ’ believe ’ what to them seems most plausible .
8 and er I was watching it when it was raining the other day , you could see the rain dripping off the wood rather than soaking into it so it 's done something .
9 He gave authority to the party rather than drawing from it , for the local standing of the Stanleys was altogether independent of party .
10 There has to be a new definition of sexuality : nurtured by everyday physical experience rather than separate from it , revered for its danger yet ribald and jolly , both everyday and sacramental .
11 Find yourself making news rather than writing about it — until now I never have written about it .
12 To say what it ought to be would be to express attitudes of his own , which he does not regard as the task of the kind of philosopher like himself who is , in his professional work , trying to understand ethical discussion rather than to participate in it .
13 An Olympic movement looking ahead rather than reflecting on it 's noble past was how one I O C Committee member described Atlanta 's win over Athens , Bobby Charlton part of Manchester 's bid was n't so sure .
14 Given that Franco was not alone on these occasions and that he was busy destroying nature , rather than reflecting upon it , it seems more likely that advancing age and the duration of his mandate had reduced his appetite for playing an active role in Spain 's political life .
15 Learn to decelerate out of trouble rather than accelerate into it . ’
16 I intend to retell the story ( rather than talk about it ) from the perspective of the primitive church .
17 Everyone involved seems to be scrupulously in tune with with the piece 's pent-up emotions so that the small details consistently add to the whole rather than deflect from it self-consciously .
18 The white foamy part of a broken wave is largely made up of air bubbles and the board often digs into it rather than riding over it .
19 Eager to keep together , they tended to widen any track they used rather than tramp along it in single file .
20 Boards with wider tails are more suited to jumping since they will leap off the top of a wave rather than digging into it .
21 The trading empire was , in large measure , demanded by the Aegean world rather than imposed upon it .
22 In , with regard to the change of wording , erm I think that would probably add to the policy rather than detract from it and I I think the conclusion I would come to is that the criteria are independent they 're not and or or .
23 And I know many older women who have found the kind of partnership that adds to their life rather than subtracts from it .
24 The conclusion ‘ that the overriding consideration must be to prevent war rather than to prepare for it , ’ was inescapable .
25 In creating artificial forms they were not only careful to ensure that their siting was appropriate but also that all the elements in the design , such as shape , proportion and size , respected Nature rather than acted against it .
26 War may not be an overall preference ( Lenin was particularly fond of Clausewitz 's remark that the aggressor would prefer to walk in and occupy a foreign territory peacefully rather than fight for it ) ; but if it is the most effective way of achieving an aim , it is necessary to pursue it .
27 Rather than glance at it as most people did , he reached out and took it gently from her grasp .
28 However , imperfectly practised , this approach at least recognises that health care intervention must supplement that of the parents rather than substitute for it .
29 They will want strong churches to reproduce themselves to make this easy rather than working against it , enjoying the fact that it will sometimes mean breaking through the parish boundaries for the greater good of enabling all of the people in all the parishes to hear all the gospel .
30 It should precede curriculum development rather than following after it ; in other words , it should be formative rather than summative .
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