Example sentences of "rather [conj] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Following the defeat of the dump plan for Ovens , local residents began a campaign to force Raybestos to use a safe alternative raw material rather than asbestos in the factory .
2 Heart [ leb ] here signifies the seat of thought , not emotion , so is more akin to ‘ mind ’ ; hence , to labour the analogy somewhat , law is written into identity and consciousness rather than heart in the modern sense .
3 " We hope to see evolution rather than revolution in the educational field .
4 But the emphasis on control rather than competition in the relationships , and the sponsors ' proprietorial pride , indicates their resemblance to relationships not with sons , but with high-achieving , perpetually infantilized daughters .
5 However , given the previous discussion of the patriarchal roots of the ideology of suburbia , does it matter that poor women without husbands and with children will find themselves increasingly dependent on flats in decaying inner-city areas rather than houses in the leafy suburbs ?
6 His stance was supported yesterday by the British Chambers of Commerce , which demanded that the Treasury rather than businesses in the North and Midlands should finance the three-year safety net to cushion the rate 's impact in the South .
7 If workers lack an appropriate level of knowledge and skill to complete the set task then they will experience frustration rather than meaningfulness in the face of demanding jobs .
8 The innovations in production processes they deal with are those embodied in new types of machinery , transport and instruments rather than innovations in the organization of labour even though the former are , in fact , closely linked to the latter .
9 Witness , for example , the morose faces ordering house white rather than champagne in the City bars ; the sheepish scramble for the Surbiton train dead on six o'clock ; the City staff noticeboards selling Fiats rather than Ferraris .
10 As the actual cash payout varies according to the firm 's performance rather than changes in the long run payout ratio , the information content of dividends says nothing about the significance of the size of the payout ratio in the valuation of securities .
11 The prospect of Arthur Scargill entering Parliament invites mild derision rather than anxiety in the suburbs .
12 Workfare was on the committee 's agenda but the committee has now been wound up and it is thought workfare has been pushed back as an idea requiring long-term consideration rather than implementation in the near future .
13 They are essentially directed to promoting the individual persona and private autonomy of the individual rather than citizenship in the sense of the relationship between the individual and the state or the community .
14 I chose the name above , using path- rather than cycle- in the title because a ) our paths are used by others and b ) we are more likely to get grants if we are not cycle specific .
15 Both these stories were widely seen as an attempt to ‘ shoe-in ’ Gordon Brown rather than Smith in the event of a leadership vacancy , although Brown , it must be said , had no part in them .
16 The expectation of an exclusively cash wage was developing rather than established , particular rather than general in the eighteenth century .
17 But the spokeswoman stressed it was the length of wait rather than numbers in the queue that mattered .
18 The press has for some years played up the problems of UK financial reporting and has exaggerated the extent to which those problems derived from weak enforcement of standards rather than defects in the standards themselves .
19 The latter was exceptional in many ways because of its large-scale employment of women rather than men in the jute mills .
20 Siemens uses arrays of hundreds of tiny light-emitting diodes rather than lasers in the 2140 printer because it reckons they provide more accurate printed text and graphics , faster .
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