Example sentences of "five day after the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On June 28 , five days after the letterhead date , the Sunday Times did carry a major article supporting Prince Charles .
2 Only five days after the birth of his son , Gould was off again , this time to join Sturt in Adelaide for the expedition to the Murray River .
3 On 29 February 1848 the July Monarchy was overthrown by a revolution in Paris ; five days after the fall of the King , Louis-Napoleon returned to Paris .
4 He resigned on 4 June , five days after the poll .
5 ( Incidentally , it is interesting to note that this occurred only five days after the discovery of the planetoid Chiron , the astrological meaning of which includes the collaboration of previously separate and antagonistic disciplines . )
6 Trevor Spanswick walked into the Centurion pub in Overfields , Middlesbrough , to talk to a friend five days after the ban but when landlord Eric Curren told him to leave he threatened he would go and get a hammer .
7 Five days after the delegation , on Monday , 22nd August , 1859 , Palmerston summoned Scott to another meeting .
8 Five days after the disaster at Douaumont , on May 13th , the third major conference of the campaign took place at the Crown Prince 's headquarters .
9 Five days after the picnic Helen received a postcard from Giles Carnaby .
10 Addressing Congress five days after the assassination , he hit exactly the right note : " Let us here highly resolve that J.F. Kennedy did not live or die in vain . "
11 This is an interesting case to examine , of course , because in Problems of Social Policy Titmuss presented it as a clear example of a policy change engendered originally by the social debate on evacuation , and then given sudden new urgency by the ‘ decisive ’ influence of Dunkirk in July 1940 ; a marked change in government thinking — a new acceptance of the milk-in-schools scheme as a universalist social service rather than a relief measure tainted with Poor Law associations — took place ‘ five days after the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk ’ .
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