Example sentences of "things that [pron] need [prep] " in BNC.

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1 it 's not a reflex action that the Labour Party somehow engages in , but there are things that we need to rave raise revenue for , such as investment in the economy , like our social policies , and that the way that we will raise revenue is that we we will have a fair taxation system , that is very straightforward , and agreed by the Party , unlike the Conservatives who firstly do n't recognize there is any purpose in investment in the economy , public investment , or investment in social policies they do n't agree with , and secondly , when they do have to raise money they do it in the unfairest possible way , penalizing most those who can least
2 You could indeed , you could indeed it it reinforces a point does n't it , so I mean I so went back a few times with the flipchart yesterday with things that we need to re reinforce yes ?
3 One of the things that we need to , to work out , and Mark 's gon na do some work on that and , and Maureen pro primarily to identify that erm we 're spending about thirty five , thirty six K a month over at the moment .
4 One of the things that we need to be clear about is that erm computers are not unlike us .
5 I hope we will borrow very modestly , it 'll be affordable , we 're not reckless , we 'll be doing what the majority of people in this country do , borrow within their limits for the things that they need for the future such as a home , or a car , something like that .
6 Theorists are very stimulated by sort of quite interesting and new ideas of concept because ultimately a lot of theorists like sort of to be intellectually challenged they like things that they need to really sort of stretch their minds .
7 Or are there lots of other things that you need to be aware of ?
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