Example sentences of "things [conj] [verb] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Will there be people of different ages all doing separate things or do you go in for family activities or both ?
2 The little things that drive our family mad and the wonderful things that make them love us .
3 It simply refers to all the things the retailer does to look after the customers — the things that make them enjoy visiting that shop or store .
4 Like word processors , however , it 's not so much what a spreadsheet can do in common with others , but what it does that others ca n't , and how it does things that make one stand out from another .
5 I do n't see the point of doing things that make it sound completely unlike a guitar .
6 Several things that make you think that there 's no one in there .
7 And what we in fact the the reason we tell people everything on the phone Ron is that there are some things that pen I did have one here ,
8 Convention , technique , and an empathy with the popular mind all went into the perfecting of the Chaplin act and it was these things that enabled him to become Sennett 's most accomplished pupil and which allowed him to create the cinema 's most appealing and most universal symbol .
9 I mean you very rarely get things that close you see .
10 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
11 When the ‘ Robert Johnson , Father of the Delta Blues ’ album came out , that was one of the main things that made me want to play slide .
12 She often did things and said things that made him feel loved .
13 Any other things that made it made it difficult for you to read ?
14 things that cause me blocking , bondage , fear , sin , shortcoming ( where I will sometimes need another 's help especially if they involve my past .
15 So it was the likes of that and these things that got me to know my staff and got my staff to know me .
16 In Nicholson 's case , the description came with the ever-present prefix that on the occasions he has tried acid , it was used properly to avoid bad trips ; thus , he had ‘ come to terms with things that you perceive would be otherwise impossible — things that help you understand yourself … plus , if used properly , it can means quite a lot of kicks . ’
17 Doing extra things that help you get back to feeling good about yourself tends to recharge the batteries for school itself .
18 The things they have in common , or critical attributes , are the things that help us to define a concept , which in turn helps us to identify further examples of that class of things .
19 Increasingly I find that this kind of exchange — this candour , this reciprocity — is one of the things that keeps me trundling along .
20 Unexpected things that emerging you have to do there and then , like
21 ‘ Suppose it 's one of those things that follows you round — like Tutankhamun 's mummy . ’
22 He said things that showed he hates me as well .
23 It is better to speak of such things than keep them hidden . ’
24 He had the expatriate knack of being lent things and getting himself looked after on his return to the native land , and as they talked it became apparent that we were to be entertained to lunch by the gallery owner .
25 I ought to have stopped you in the beginning — I ought to have walloped you good and hard instead of hiding the things and pretending I did n't know anything about it .
26 Well if you live in Snainton towns then I 've got details of an organization that can help out with all those things and help you get back onto the learning ladder and maybe into a job .
27 ‘ But by the time I was eighteen , I realised that , as much as I loved studying the past , my greatest joy came from — well , I suppose you 'd describe it as planning things and watching them grow . ’
28 They spoke to her all the time , nudged her to help her mother , helped her to notice things and get them done before she was asked .
29 And to do it without a lot without a lot of support from the a from the people who actually lived in the flats , although they organized things and got it going , and the people living there did n't seem to be motivated to give them the kind of encouragement erm
30 Go and pack your things and leave me to go and book your seats . ’
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